1. | | Moonlighting? Please Tell Me About It |
13 points by henryw on June 30, 2007 | 19 comments
2. | | We want a sub-YCNews |
13 points by bluishgreen on June 30, 2007 | 25 comments
3. | | Nerd quiz - Can you name a programming language for every letter of the alphabet? |
9 points by kvogt on June 30, 2007 | 23 comments
4. | | My startup is still not popular, but cloned already :) 欢迎到中国 (jobitems.cn) |
9 points by ivan on June 30, 2007 | 13 comments
5. | | Why not beat Google? |
6 points by a_mythical_bird on June 30, 2007 | 11 comments
6. | | What is the best way to submit my page to search engines? |
6 points by Tichy on June 30, 2007 | 12 comments
7. | | Google Desktop goes Linux (news.com.com) |
3 points by gibsonf1 on June 30, 2007 | 2 comments
8. | | Eventstreaming: The Seed Of A Revolution (techcrunch.com) |
3 points by pg on June 30, 2007 | 1 comment
9. | | Put the music industry to death. Step by Step instructions. |
2 points by a_mythical_bird on June 30, 2007 | 6 comments
10. | | Social sites reveal class divide (bbc.co.uk) |
2 points by rami on June 30, 2007 | 2 comments
11. | | Everyone's Gunning For YouTube (techcrunch.com) |
2 points by gibsonf1 on June 30, 2007
12. | | Police Blotter: Dark side of 'reputation defending' service (news.com.com) |
2 points by gibsonf1 on June 30, 2007
13. | | Is it important to have a blog when launching a startup? (businesshackers.com) |
2 points by szczupak on June 30, 2007
14. | | BTW: Where is the link to top news.yc? |
2 points by ivan on June 30, 2007 | 2 comments
15. | | Startups and Life (bennolan.com) |
1 point by benn on June 30, 2007 | 1 comment
16. | | "Just Say No" Considered Harmful |
1 point by dk on June 30, 2007 | 1 comment
17. | | Wanna Build a Business? Go After a Poorly-Served Market (informationarbitrage.com) |
1 point by nickb on June 30, 2007
18. | | GPL3 text (gnu.org) |
1 point by ivan on June 30, 2007
19. | | Free Software Foundation releases GPL 3 (news.com.com) |
1 point by gibsonf1 on June 30, 2007