Yeah, would have been really useful for the US to at least convince China's northern neighbor to constantly do mobilization exercises [1] on their shared border to keep the PLA off-balance and draw combat power away from important theaters. Instead, we've pissed away the Sino-Soviet Split and enabled Eurasia to operate with secure interior lines. This can be chalked up entirely to really arrogant and foolish neocon decision-making with regards to Russia 2003-2007.
it's interesting, it feels like less needing to think much bigger and more so that we're now able to accept that much bigger ideas we've been thinking about are far more feasible.
that's so cool. all those grand ideas that felt so far away are right here ready to grasp and realize.
> Tough on call rotations happen, and you might need someone that does well under pressure at 3 am in the morning.
On a stop-the-world production incident at 3am I know that codebase like the back of my hand, and my job very likely doesn’t depend on whether I solve it in the next 30m. There’s barely anything stressful about it.
On an interview, with my future on the line, and presented with an unfamiliar problem?
It's hard to feel sorry for Raytheon Lockheed and the like, but it's looking like they should have thrown a few tens of millions at Trump's inauguration. It's pay to play now.
What is the current state of the art (open source) when doing oltp to olap pipelines in these days? I don’t mean a one-off etl style load at night but a continuous process with relatively low latency?
Maybe, but I am already a trained SWE (german apprenticeship) and have a well paid job atm. I might consider getting a degree separately at some point. But it will be such a struggle.
Crash the economy on the backs of a majority of workers (federal workers are large portion democrats) who didn't vote for you so interests rates / inflation goes down.
> OOO and even wider RVV registers will then automatically speed things up, without even a recompile.
The problem is that there are some things in RVV where it's unclear how they will perform on high perf OoO cores:
* general choice of LMUL: on in-order cores it's clear that maximizing LMUL without spilling is the best approach, for OoO this isn't clear.
* How will LMUL>1 vrgather and vcompress perform?
* How high is the impact of vsetvli instructions? Is it worth trying to move them outside of loops whenever possible, or is the impact minimal like in the current in-order implementations.
* What is the overhead of using .vx instruction variants, is there additional cost involved in moving between GPRs and vector registers?
* Is there additional overhead when reinterpreting vector masks?
* What performance can we expect from the more complex load/stores, especially the segmented ones.
This seems cool, and it would be great if this does cool stuff like cure or prevent some forms of cancer, but I've kind of learned to not get my hopes up with medical news.
It's felt like a cure for cancer is "just around the corner" for at least the last ~20 years, and I'm sure that cancer therapy has absolutely improved a lot in the last 20 years, but we're very far from what a lot of science journalism articles have promised us.
And then, if he still doesn't believe it's a Nazi salute, he should go into work and try doing it in front of all his co-workers and see what they think...
The article in Telegraph is not about ballistic missiles, but about a very specific type of cruise missile, Kh-55, which is a nuclear capable missile.
There are other cruise missiles that Russia makes, and there is still production of ballistic, aero ballistic and hypersonic ones.
I’d argue a lot of the unhappiness in the UK is a consequence of 5 years of a Tory government choosing not to govern. The public still have a hard time believing this fact because it sounds too insane to be true, no matter how much evidence we have for it!
Also, it doesn’t help that Labour are shit at comms. They’re actually doing what they were elected to do but don’t want to tell the public about it, much like the Biden administration!
Big tech employees have been doing that because they see new hires (who have themselves switched from another big tech company!) get a lot more comp than their meager raise. Don't blame the workers from reacting to the signals that company is sending through its own deliberate actions.
It's supposed to be bi-weekly here. But according to HR "that's not policy, just recommended". I had about 5-6 months were I only got 2 1-on-1s, and the feedback then was good. They completely dropped the ball and blamed it on the disabled guy.
I have mixed feelings about Golang at this point. On the plus side, its concurrency model masterfully blends simplicity and power, and I've found its the best language (which I know) in which to write certain moderately performance-sensitive multithreaded applications. I also like that the language in general is fairly simple, and it really doesn't take that long to get a new engineer to the point where they are very confident on Golang codebases.
On the minus side, I absolutely hate the lack of an explicit null type, with the proper accompanying checks around type-safety. I hate that forgetting to initialize all fields of a struct does not lead to an error, but will just fill in "zero-values" for those fields. This has bitten me many times, and zero-values are almost never the behavior I want. I've found Golang's generics to be confusing and unexpressive.
Articles like this feel besides the point to me. Pedantics like variable naming just don't matter that much to me - folks still can't make up their mind as to whether HTTPReader or HttpReader is proper camel case. I'd like to see more articles that directly address Go's syntactic shortcomings, and suggest ways around them. I'm not quite ready to give up on this language, but I'm getting close.
A lot of protections are already in place and have been ignored. Tens of days notice to Congress and for-cause required to dismiss? Nope, blanket firing with no notice. 60 days‘ notice required for layoffs? Ignored, we’ll just lie that it was “for performance” even though we didn’t look at performance and there’s clear evidence we didn’t.
The failure of the rule of law is going to be hard to law our way out of.
That's just "don't create a non-static method if you don't use 'this'" in other languages with classes. Which is not a bad idea, but hardly matters. If someone realizes that it's difficult to add a unit test for the function, they'll fix it themselves.
(P.S. I never understood why Go uses words like "receiver" and "marshaling" that are rarely used elsewhere)
> Empty string check
Sure, but that's just ordinary code smell, likely due to someone not thinking carefully over the code, which could be easily identified in a code review. If it's never found, it barely matters anyway. Is it really worth bringing this up?
Everything else seems unnecessarily boring, like the number of spaces between sentences. Most people I know write comments like how they write regular English sentences, like in emails. Other than a professor who is near retirement age, I don't know anyone who uses double spaces. It's so rare I don't see any point in mentioning it. And if someone did do this in the code, whether it's their style or by accident, I wouldn't even flag it in the code review. For what? Does anyone benefit from such it? It's important to have consistency over fundamental things like tab vs space since, but that quickly becomes meaningless bikeshedding.