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Stories from December 12, 2014
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1. Yahoo Starts Prompting Chrome Users to “Upgrade” to Firefox (techcrunch.com)
460 points by jonastern on Dec 12, 2014 | 231 comments
2. You can take down Pirate Bay, but you can’t kill the Internet it created (washingtonpost.com)
352 points by Libertatea on Dec 12, 2014 | 251 comments
3. Yehuda Katz and Steve Klabnik Are Joining the Rust Core Team (rust-lang.org)
423 points by wycats on Dec 12, 2014 | 131 comments
4. TMSU is a tool for tagging your files (tmsu.org)
209 points by subleq on Dec 12, 2014 | 64 comments
5. Classic arcade game TRON on a cloth modelling grid (kreldjarn.github.io)
284 points by kreldjarn on Dec 12, 2014 | 88 comments
6. Rust 1.0: Scheduling the trains (rust-lang.org)
330 points by steveklabnik on Dec 12, 2014 | 183 comments
7. Linux x86 Program Start Up (dbp-consulting.com)
143 points by bluetomcat on Dec 12, 2014 | 30 comments
8. Introducing Atlas: Netflix's Primary Telemetry Platform (netflix.com)
138 points by trickz on Dec 12, 2014 | 44 comments
9. Introduction to Data Analysis in R (briatte.org)
139 points by danso on Dec 12, 2014 | 11 comments
10. The Death and Life of the 13-Month Calendar (citylab.com)
136 points by skinofstars on Dec 12, 2014 | 109 comments
11. Can a simple algebra test predict programming aptitude? (codeup.com)
104 points by dennyferra on Dec 12, 2014 | 212 comments
12. Social media fingerprints of unemployment (arxiv.org)
85 points by mrry on Dec 12, 2014 | 12 comments
13. Persistent Associations Between Prenatal Exposure to Phthalates and Child IQ (plosone.org)
89 points by igonvalue on Dec 12, 2014 | 30 comments
14. The Irregular Verbs (2000) (wjh.harvard.edu)
150 points by ggreer on Dec 11, 2014 | 69 comments
15. The Rise of Men Who Don’t Work – And What They Do Instead (nytimes.com)
264 points by cjdulberger on Dec 12, 2014 | 276 comments
16. The Old Pirate Bay (oldpiratebay.org)
344 points by dil8 on Dec 12, 2014 | 102 comments
17. 15-line hash table in C (archbsd.net)
168 points by api on Dec 11, 2014 | 97 comments
18. Google to close engineering office in Russia (reuters.com)
283 points by azov on Dec 12, 2014 | 290 comments
19. Vagrant Push – One Command to Deploy Any Application (vagrantup.com)
73 points by michaelsbradley on Dec 12, 2014 | 28 comments
20. The Creepy, Kitschy and Geeky Patches of US Spy Satellites (smithsonianmag.com)
76 points by tanglesome on Dec 12, 2014 | 10 comments
21. The Google Way of Attacking Problems (hbr.org)
97 points by frostmatthew on Dec 12, 2014 | 34 comments
22. Becoming an F# contributor (mrange.wordpress.com)
82 points by numo16 on Dec 11, 2014 | 23 comments
23. DigitalOcean Receives $50M in Funding (businesswire.com)
159 points by denis1 on Dec 12, 2014 | 99 comments
24. H.R.4681 - Intelligence Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2015 (congress.gov)
171 points by jborden13 on Dec 12, 2014 | 53 comments
25. 2014 LLVM Developers' Meeting: Slides and Videos (llvm.org)
66 points by adamnemecek on Dec 11, 2014 | 8 comments
26. Significant scientific achievements or breakthroughs in 2014 (quora.com)
71 points by songco on Dec 12, 2014 | 10 comments
27. Graph everything with Graphite (xkyle.com)
93 points by pmoriarty on Dec 12, 2014 | 49 comments
28. Bone – Lightning Fast HTTP Multiplexer in Go (github.com/squiidz)
72 points by squiidz on Dec 11, 2014 | 22 comments
29. Say hello to x86_64 Assembly [part 7] (0xax.blogspot.com)
63 points by 0xAX on Dec 11, 2014
30. How to program computers (kOS) (youtube.com)
42 points by ah- on Dec 12, 2014 | 46 comments

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