1. | | Why are tech companies making custom typefaces? (arun.is) |
262 points by richtr on Nov 26, 2018 | past | 195 comments
2. | | Apple is bad news for the future of the Web (medium.com/richtr) |
12 points by richtr on March 24, 2016 | past | 2 comments
3. | | Opera accepts $1.2B acquisition offer from Chinese firms (venturebeat.com) |
1 point by richtr on Feb 10, 2016 | past
4. | | Introducing the Air Pencil (adtile.me) |
3 points by richtr on Nov 23, 2015 | past
5. | | Getting LEAN with Digital Ad UX (iab.com) |
1 point by richtr on Oct 19, 2015 | past
6. | | The 8-hour day (wikipedia.org) |
2 points by richtr on Sept 8, 2015 | past
7. | | Announcing Jetstream 1.1 (webkit.org) |
2 points by richtr on July 14, 2015 | past
8. | | Building Chromium for Android (groups.google.com) |
1 point by richtr on May 21, 2015 | past
9. | | NoSleep.js: Enable wake lock in any Android or iOS web browser (github.com/richtr) |
1 point by richtr on April 21, 2015 | past
10. | | Is downloading really stealing? The ethics of digital piracy (nzherald.co.nz) |
1 point by richtr on April 14, 2015 | past | 2 comments
11. | | On having a totally reasonable amount of self-confidence (the-pastry-box-project.net) |
1 point by richtr on March 18, 2015 | past
12. | | [flagged] Feminist Hacker Barbie (computer-engineer-barbie.herokuapp.com) |
27 points by richtr on Nov 20, 2014 | past | 28 comments
13. | | President Obama's Plan for a Free and Open Internet (whitehouse.gov) |
2 points by richtr on Nov 11, 2014 | past
14. | | Why Gandhi Is Such an Asshole in Civilization (kotaku.com) |
6 points by richtr on Nov 3, 2014 | past
15. | | Battle for the Net: Why is my Internet slow today? (theguardian.com) |
4 points by richtr on Sept 10, 2014 | past
16. | | Give it five minutes (2012) (signalvnoise.com) |
5 points by richtr on Sept 7, 2014 | past
17. | | [Live] 28 June 1914: Archduke assassinated (bbc.com) |
1 point by richtr on June 28, 2014 | past
18. | | Cayley: graphs in Go (google-opensource.blogspot.com) |
3 points by richtr on June 27, 2014 | past
19. | | Show HN: An orientation-aware VR viewer for the mobile web (richtr.github.io) |
1 point by richtr on March 31, 2014 | past
20. | | US government to relinquish control of Internet address system (telegraph.co.uk) |
1 point by richtr on March 17, 2014 | past
21. | | Edward Snowden delivers testimony to the European Parliament (freesnowden.is) |
2 points by richtr on March 7, 2014 | past
22. | | The NSA has an advice columnist. Seriously. (firstlook.org) |
7 points by richtr on March 7, 2014 | past
23. | | How Opera started thinking about the bottom line (zdnet.com) |
1 point by richtr on Feb 27, 2014 | past
24. | | Beware the return of the Web Bubble (2006) (cnn.com) |
2 points by richtr on Feb 23, 2014 | past
25. | | Show HN: In-browser orientation-based VR (opera.com) |
2 points by richtr on Feb 18, 2014 | past | 1 comment
26. | | Amnesty International on USA and Snowden (amnesty.org) |
3 points by richtr on Nov 4, 2013 | past
27. | | VisiCalc in-browser emulator (archive.org) |
2 points by richtr on Oct 25, 2013 | past | 1 comment
28. | | Whatever Happened to Webmonkey.com? (longhandpixels.net) |
43 points by richtr on Sept 20, 2013 | past | 12 comments
29. | | Show HN: Taking the complexity out of timezone coordination (worldtime.io) |
2 points by richtr on Sept 15, 2013 | past
30. | | How the NSA scandal hurts the economy (cnn.com) |
11 points by richtr on July 16, 2013 | past | 4 comments
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