The big green guy is the new Logitech software suite that I need to use to set the sidetone on my new headset, which asks you at install time whether you want to enable telemetry yet doesn't actually let you proceed until "yes" is checked, and which is completely redundant to yet distinct from the old suite (which new versions of the same headset model don't work with) and works less well. The other aliens are update pop-ups.
Shameless plug: I wrote a little Python timer for Linux that works great with a dropdown terminal like Yakuake:
I often use it for timed tasks, and it's faster than reaching for my phone or even opening a browser tab (and, unlike a Google or DDG timer, it doesn't keep ringing until you re-raise the browser window, find the tab, and silence it, which always annoyed me). : p
For reference: `privacy.resistFingerprinting`