It’s bullshit. It means more interviews for people they know they won’t hire to meet a quota which wastes their time, and when someone from a minority is hired the perception might be that they weren’t actually qualified, even if they were.
Plus as a straight white guy - am I really so bad? The world seems pretty fair. I’ve never done anything sexist or racist in the workplace (quite the opposite) and haven’t even seen it happen. Why do I have to have it worse off every step of the way just because I was
born this way. End the BS and let’s get some work done.
I’m a straight white guy, and I see unfairness all around me, primarily rigged in favor of straight white guys like me, and in favor of people who are wealthy.
You should blow the whistle, because that’s illegal. And leave the rest of us who are nowhere near that to live a regular life without having to enforce sexist/racist policies.
Maybe, but my life feels better by going for run for 30 minutes or to the gym, or spending time with my kid and/or partner rather than clicking one button on a web page for 30 minutes straight.
I don’t know how deeply they analysed it, but Kurzgesagt seem to think the Martian moons have particular value as central gravity wells, to then reach further out to mine asteroids
> Nanny state is a term coined by tobacco industry in their lobbying against tobacco laws. Is it really a term you want to use here?
Sure, because most people h ave no idea where the term originates from and it now has a life of its own. It's the standard term for this sort of thing.
Who cares? Whether or not it applies in this particular case, it's a useful term. Rejecting ideas because of who they come from is the very antithesis of intellectual maturity.
ASIO has been able to track you for decades since they have real-time metadata feeds from Telstra, Optus, NBN etc.
They have access to your location estimate, URLs of sites you've visited, people you talk via email/phone etc. And we know that this dataset is shared to the Five Eyes.
So if you are concerned about being tracked I would strongly recommend leaving Australia.
And now they’ll be able to see the groups you go to within pages, read comments, see what we write, etc etc. It also goes from being a defence capability to used for all sorts of things and eventually leaked.
It’s not bad enough to leave, better to engage with the politics and try to get some rights before it spreads further outwards
For a time, we did not have an “R” rating for video games and this sort of content called for this rating, which legislation said could not be given. Fortunately saner heads prevailed and they created an “R” rating for video games and this oddity went away.
Ha! We have compulsory voting but unlike many Anglo countries we don't require voter ID, vote registration etc. In fact you do not need to provide any ID to vote, because voting fraud is so statistically low (see We simply provide a name and address and fill out the ballot.
We have so many issues, but compulsory voting is not one of them, in my opinion. If you feel so strongly to not vote you can abstain by an informal vote like roughly 5% of the country does on any given election ( or simply pay the AU$20 (roughly US$13) fine like apparently around 5-10% of Australians do on any given election (
In my view, and in the view of many Australians, people encouraging further "freedom" to not vote are attempting to suppress votes, a major issue in the United States and other countries with optional voting.
In Australia they ask to see your ID but you can say you don’t have it on you. I think they mostly just ask for ID so it’s easier to look up your name with the correct spelling.
You wouldn't be doing anyone a favour by committing electoral fraud.
But that aside, although Australia doesn't require any ID on election day, Australians do register with the Australian Electoral Commission (AEC) with their name, address and date of birth. AEC workers have a printed copy of these records on election day. Obvious anomalies like someone with a different age can be reported. Otherwise anomalies like multiple votes from the same address are investigated, I imagine by interviewing the person at that address.
The AEC provides transparency about how it detects fraud and the penalties that can be imposed for people who are caught doing it. The point is that this is quite rare. The AEC's aim is to lower barriers to voting in the first place so that all people can. By detecting anomalies and using tipoffs the AEC estimates the impact of voter fraud and takes a scientific approach to recommend against raising barriers to vote.
You won't win any arguments with Australians on forced voting. The major parties would love to kill it, but it is something the (forced) voters will refuse to give up. It may not be 'free', but it helps keep things free.
If you are going to cite sources about 1960's Australian culture, back in the oppressive dark ages of 'White Australia', make sure you compare it with other 1960's cultures. Or try some sources from this millennium that have come to terms with not being part of the British Empire.
Forced voting is a net benefit, the biggest being that it forces parties to the center rather than having to say/promise stupid stuff to appeal to the fringes that have firm political positions (see: USA). Mandatory voting + preferential voting, alongside a well-run independent election commission has resulted in very high trust in our democratic process.
Compulsory voting means that a large part of the electorate that doesn’t pay attention to politics is easily frightened by scare campaigns.
An example of this is that Australia is sorely in need of tax reform, but any party that pushes for it at state or federal level is damaged at the polls, often fatally.
You have to remember, Australia as a nation is young, and has an interesting history - forced migration of convicts, high levels of immigration (IIRC 25% of the population are 1st or 2nd generation immigrants), and of course the difficulty of dealing with colonial treatment of the Aboriginal population. "No culture" is patently absurd; everywhere with people has a culture.
And on mandatory voting: yes, in one way, that's a curtailment of freedom, but in another way, it's enshrining freedom.
In day to day life we are fairly free but for example we have much weaker freedom of speech/opinion than the USA. For example if you raise your arm at a particular angle you can now be sent to jail [1].
We also had some of the longest/harshet COVID lockdowns in the world in my state.
You can determine if a search result is effective for that query if a user stops searching after clicking the link. But only if you have enough users for any given query.
I’m guessing they gave feedback and felt that it was ignored. So rather than let the trial end and let OpenAI say “we even ran it past a bunch of artists, there’s no problem here” - someone decided to flip the table, since they were unheard anyway and felt there were unresolved issues
No, they just corrected the punctuation. It's now "Don't. Be evil!" Reflecting their inability to do almost anything, and their lack of morals when they do.
I think a lot of the criticism is constructive. Many of the limitations won’t just magically go away - we’ll have to build tooling and processes and adjust our way of thinking to get there. Most devs will jump across to anything useful the second it’s ready, I would think
I do see a lot of constructive criticism from people who actually use these tools regularly, but there is also a heap of uninformed complaints from the luddites among us.
It's true that the limitations won't magically go away. Some may _never_ go away. I have a suspicion that neuroticism and hallucination are intrinsic qualities of intelligence, artificial or otherwise.
Many of the criticisms leveled could readily be applied to a fellow human. It seems what the naysayers really don't like are _other people_, especially imperfect ones.
Plus as a straight white guy - am I really so bad? The world seems pretty fair. I’ve never done anything sexist or racist in the workplace (quite the opposite) and haven’t even seen it happen. Why do I have to have it worse off every step of the way just because I was born this way. End the BS and let’s get some work done.