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And yet, there it is: http://www.facebookofsex.com/

Without knowing anything about Facebook's Q&A plans, beyond your screenshot, let me put these two thoughts out:

* First, the screenshot makes me believe these Q&A questions would be posted to your wall, rather than a dedicated Q&A environment. I could easily be wrong, but if this is the case then their Q&A would be no different from just posting a question to your own wall, since most people have their privacy settings limited to only show wall posts to friends. This limits the amount of input on any given question.

* If the above is incorrect, then I still have certain qualms about associating my personal identity (in the form of a Facebook profile) with certain content I might put online, and Q&A sites can ask questions on which I may not want my opinion to be associated with my personal identity. For instance, if I were to come from a family who enjoys hunting for sport, I may not want to come out swinging too hard against it if that content were to be easily associated with my by my family. My family may know my stance on the issue, but to make it a public on Facebook could have certain liabilities (let's say my father and I have a mutual friend who is a hunting buddy of his). I think that without a certain amount of anonymity, broad spectrum Q&A is limited by certain predispositions and security concerns.

Pre-emptive rebuttals:

* Yes, I use my own name on Hacker News, but I imagine I'm not the only Tom Stratton in the world and you can't necessarily correlate my identity here with my personal identity like you could with Facebook. Also, if I have something particularly sensitive I want to say, I can make a second account to express those opinions.

* I realize that sites like StackOverflow have a lot of users that use their real names as their username, and have a lot of personally identifiable information associated with their accounts, even listed on their profiles. To that I say that sites like StackOverflow are narrow range topics, and (at least some of) the users there are in it at least partially to show off their skills, and most information they put on that site is positive (helping answer a question) rather than incendiary. Even the incendiary topics are typically just semi-trivial religious wars about things like "vi vs. emacs."

Does anyone know when this snapshot was taken? With all the changes Facebook has made to their privacy settings recently, there have been times when previously private information was suddenly public and I've had to go in and change it back.

It would be nice to know if my "private" (though privacy on Facebook, and the internet as a whole, isn't a real thing) data is now available in torrent form due to Facebook's tweaking.

Is there an easy way to find your information in this torrent?

How can you downvote comments? I only see an upvote arrow.

From the FAQ:

  Why don't I see down arrows?

  There are no down arrows on submissions.
  They only appear on comments after users reach a certain karma threshold. 

Thanks. I read the "Welcome" information linked at the top, but didn't find the FAQ until you made me aware of it. Perhaps it should be in a more prominent location for new users?

It's a test. see if you can find the secret raid board!

news.ycombinator.com/i/ ?

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