I read the article and full disclosure, I don't use Dribbble and am not a member. My thought is that temporarily suspending a user based on report from community members is reasonable. Dribbble looks like a very social/community-centric site, I'd imagine if a rogue member were to post inappropriate content, the community can come together and help moderate. This also mean that if community members feel personally offended and take it the other way, and ding someone like in this instance, the site steps in and make it right. Again, Dribbble unbanned him shortly after. I just feel like it's a non-issue-but that's just my opinion.
50k followers, no new shots since February. This isn't a "rogue account" posting "inappropriate content."
Don't you think it is suspect that his account (no activity in months) is "flagged" on the same day the CEO blocks him on Twitter for legitimate chirps?
The guy was ranting away on twitter about some recently announced changes, attacking the company and the CEO. It doesn't take a conspiracy for both the users to flag him and the CEO to block him in response.
I don't know and I'm not going to try to guess, but I think the simplest answer is the most likely and the simplest answer is that the angry rant elicited strong reactions from multiple people.
This "guy" has been an integral part of the Dribbble community for as long as I can remember, churning out and sharing absolutely incredible work. Just look at his portfolio. Front page material, literally created a new style trend with his desaturated low-poly mini scenes.
Dribbble got from him being a member far more than he got from being on Dribbble. If there's someone who full on deserves the right to criticize the site, that'd be him.
CEO picked a personal fight with one of most visible and respected members. He should've not. It was indeed _petty_.
It's great he has been such a strong contributor to the community, but that doesn't mean people can't object to a twitter rant.
> CEO picked a personal fight
Did he though? That's not evident. Maybe you know differently?
Honestly, I don't really care, but I see one guy ranting in public, throwing around angry insults and accusations without backup and I'm OK if people don't give him what he wants.
Disclaimer: I posted a draft of this last week. Got some feedback and had since updated the article. I've also moved the article to Medium for a bit more eyes. Not personally trying to gain anything, just wanted to raise some awareness about the issue. Thanks.
Doing tech, especially tech startups for a while and some day you wake up thinking to yourself: if we pool all our skills together, we could build the world we ought to have by the end of next 'sprint'--But why are we all stuck building sand castles after sand castles? Yeah, when the hivemind takes over and everyone is afraid to speak up, that's when we can no longer innovate. It's great to find like-minded team mates, it's not so great when people are afraid to speak their minds due to fear of being an outcast.
Absolutely agree with you on starting conversation. Both you, me and a lot of our tech friends can use our skills as armors and shields. Unfortunately, many of our colleagues are a little more vulnerable especially since most startups often do not have a full-fledge and empowered HR department. I hope that we can start speaking up more and coming into defense of these colleagues sooner to prevent workplace bullying from taking shape in the organizations we're a part of. Thank you again for speaking up, my friend!
Beautiful culture. It appears that headdresses are so much more than simple ornaments in pretty much all cultures. When I got married, as a Vietnamese male, I also wore the headdress.
I think there's much more to Ukraine than what we read or don't read on the news.
I've been a little confused because I've seen the name "Wanderlust" somewhere before. http://wanderlust.com/ isn't yours is it? If it's not, then I would seriously consider a different name since .com domain name combined with the fact that it has been around a little longer as well as the (almost similar?) "explore something/somewhere" mission. Other than that, your chance is as good as any one's. Good luck!
Yes we've been thinking about this as well. On the one hand, it's not being able to get the .com domain as well as the fact that people might confuse it with the Yoga festival you linked to (although we're primarily focused on Europe, at least initially, and the festival is US only). On the other hand, the word perfectly captures the essence of our solution. 'Wanderlust' means 'a strong desire to travel' which is exactly the feeling that we mean to associate ourselves with -- the feeling of knowing that you'd like to get away for a few days, but not knowing where to go. And thank you!
Thanks for getting back to me. Wow, Day One looks like an amazing app. I would certainly use it if my needs were simply journaling AND I can read their key management system specs. For some reason, I'm stilling writing on a notebook when it comes to private thoughts--just a force of habit I suppose. I think I'm like you, I would probably be more honest if I know what I write is going to be for my eyes only.
EDIT: You did launch your note app. Congratulations! I would to hear more about QuickNotes if you have a chance.
You make a good point. Having worked in consumer & enterprise security space, I can definitely confirm that security is indeed a very VERY difficult thing to sell. It's a chronic pain killer often-time conceived as a vitamin. I wasn't planning on pushing the security aspect of it, but yeah, engineering habit--I get excited about tech and forget that most people don't find it as as fascinating hah.
I sincerely hope you launch your note app. I think there's a reason why there are so many of them out there. No one has gotten it right yet. I thought Evernote did a pretty good job as conquering the market, but I think there's enough individuality, because I think that's what it is, everyone captures and consumes notes differently. We can certainly carve out a niches :)
Hi Duncan. Thanks for sharing your thoughts. Yeah, I currently use multiple tools to manage my stuff as well but it's starting to feel like playing lego with tools. As much as I love to play around with lego, I'm getting tired of jumping from app to app to just handle a couple of "seemingly related" tasks to me. Not to mention usability and collaboration isn't without much friction. If anything, I need a tool that I can tell my wife: "here, use this, write your note and secure your passwords here" instead of scattering them everywhere.