I feel like most commenters here didn't read the article - in many cases a single soldier /can't/ take out a modern tank because of their active protection systems.
Yes, that is the premise of the article. And even a whole team with several missiles might not defeat some of these systems. It seems the Russians did not deploy their tanks with these. I wonder if that is what Russia requested from the Chinese. They seem to have a system whose capabilities are untested so far.
If you are walking, yes, but cycling or running - for sure No! - especially at night. If driver takes right turn. I've seen cases (in Venice (Los Angeles)) where cars would slam into cyclists on the wrong side of the path.
FWIW, I knew a guy who was riding his bicycle on the sidewalk, technically going the "wrong" direction. He crossed a commercial business park driveway and got hit by a car who didn't see him, and got a lot of hassle from insurance because he was going the "wrong" way for that side of the street.
Looking back, that may have been the insurance company looking to skirt responsibility.
I think they're talking about walking. Riding a bike is different-- for one, it's illegal in a lot of places to ride on the sidewalk in a business district. For another, the transfer of momentum is appreciably less in a same-direction collision between a car/bike compared to head-on.
The sidewalks on either side are a bad place for cyclists for this reason. They are banned from sidewalks in many places for the safety of the cyclist, not so much the pedestrians.
In the NYC area off the top of my head there's been the Tappan Zee bridge, the East Side Access project bringing the Long Island Rail Road into Grand Central Terminal, and 2nd Ave Subway Phase 2. Penn Station Access is being discussed, as is the Triboro RX line.
ESA and 2nd Ave Subway Phase 2 are kind of the poster children of what's wrong with American infrastructure projects.
ESA was started in 2006 and planned to be finished in 2009 at the cost of $4.3B. It is now projected to be finished in 2023, at a cost of $12B.
Phase 2 of SAS costs $6B despite the fact that most of the tunnel actually already exists, and won't open until possibly 2029.
It's not even really about saving money to save money, but the high costs of these projects suck money away from other projects and needs. It's basically unfathomable at these prices for NYC to do something like Paris and build out 200 km (124 mi) of metro in the next decade.
The East Side Access is also a project that would never be built in Europe. What they should've done is built a through-tunnel through Manhattan connecting Long Island Railroad and New Jersey Transit, with two or three smaller stations across midtown.
Basically, instead of ESA and (ultimately cancelled) Gateway projects, calling for new tunnels connecting to giant carvern terminuses in the city, u connect these projects into one long tunnel without terminuses.
A terminus requires a lot of platforms and tracks because trains need to get completely emptied and turned around. If you stop at multiple stops and terminate at the other end of the city, you can do that a that a place where's plenty of space (or multiple different points). You also spread the passenger loads across multiple stations, meaning less passenger flow per station, less dwell time for trains (=higher frequency), and people will be closer to where they need to go (i.e. you can connect to all subway lines in Manhattan).
I think it's common to have multiple systems on different airgapped networks in the same room. So if one of the networks were compromised this could let you pivot to another network. Or if they're both compromised it would give a way to exfil from one to the other.
> Part of Defensive Depth includes vetting and requiring the janitor who cleans the SCIF to themselves also hold a security clearance.
Sure, but no amount of vetting is going to be perfect. Maybe the vetting missed something, maybe some circumstance changed between now and the most recent re-up, maybe instead of $10k it's $10M, etc.
A better solution is to physically disable the USB ports.