I really enjoy this site's design. At first I thought that LocalCDN was blocking some CSS/JS but to my surprise, no - it just looks that way. I like it.
I'm glad I found this thread and thank you for not self censoring this time. I've very often done the same. And yes, the vBulletin style forums is something I really miss.
> I fail to see the benefit of subscribing to a viewpoint that is so black and white, and why definition that allows for no exception is necessary.
Maybe look at it in a different situation. Imagine someone punched you in the face and when you confront them about it they saying that you're holding to silly semantics about what it means or does not mean to get punched in the face.
Why didn't you restore the original comment? It doesn't seem to break any rules. The most frustrating aspect of HN is that there is no easy way to have meta discussion about the rules or the actions of users.
>The most frustrating aspect of HN is that there is no easy way to have meta discussion about the rules or the actions of users.
Honestly, HN seems worlds better than any other forum in this regard. Just the fact that dang responded to this post with information about the moderation process rather than banning the guy shows far more restraint and respect than any other internet moderator.