If you're from Europe knowing Latin definitely gives you a deeper appreciation of a bunch of stuff.
It's a useful way of formalising verb conjugation and tenses which is common across the major European languages. Something they all take for granted but I watch my poor mother's mind melt when she tried learning German as a Chinese speaker. Especially as a lot of these forms are looser and more forgiving in English.
A lot of vocabulary has its origins in Latin and biology and medicine still like to borrow from it.
It's niche but only today I was playing some Mozart on the piano and saw "M. S." where I was meant to cross the hands and I considered for a sec and guessed it must be mano sinistra (forgive the declension) even though I've never learned Italian thanks to Latin.
After studying atmospheric Chemistry I found it hard to not feel like our planet was alive in some sense of the word but "alive" has a very precise meaning and Earth doesn't fit the definition. Presumably because it doesn't reproduce
Yep, and the rules are absolutely mad. You can watch at home or on the go, provided you're on battery power. As soon as you plug your iPad or iPhone or whatever you're watching iPlayer on in somewhere else, the address the electricity is being supplied to needs a TV licence.
I get that these warts and things appear over time, and it's probably not intentionally the case that whether your iPad is plugged in or not can determine whether your licence covers you, but rather to avoid people creating fixed 'TV viewing installations' in other people's houses and claiming their licence should cover it, but still...
What is gambling? Does it need to involve money? What is money? Money is a human invention.
So is gambling about resources, power and status? If so then can gambling CS skins count? What about candy crush lootboxes?
If gambling is about risk, does parkour and base jumping count?
One of the most insidious forms of "gambling" I've seen is probably PvP matchmaking. I am fairly certain that games from Supercell have rigged their matchmaking to engineer a degree of frustration to keep you hooked. When you tie that to a ranking ladder it can get quite easy to get hooked
A father of a newborn child produces less testosterone...
From what I know this is not explained by just sleep deprivation. So here we have no direct chemical transfer altering the physiological state of a man via external stimulus.
So if a baby can chemically alter a father, why can't highly stimulating lights and sounds?
Many years back I had a pretty strong detox from smartphones and videogames lasting about 2 years. When I first played a mobile game, I was so stimulated by it I found it hard to sleep properly for the first few weeks of playing. Later on my brain adjusted but now I probably have some kind of habitual need for dopamine...
I was thinking of methane as input. But what about it as output? How much does leave the system? And should this not be in calories "out" column, but I don't think that is usually counted there...
Could you elaborate on what you mean? What does methane have to do with this and what is the "out" column?
Calorimetry is just measuring the heat transfer from combustion, usually by measuring the temperature change of a known quantity of water in the classical experiment. You perform versions of it in high school and undergrad
Calories are just a unit of energy, and heat can be related back to energy (joules for people using SI)
Well some of the food we eat generates flatulence of which 7% can be methane. Meaning this leaves our system without burning. As such in calorimeter it would be unburned fuel. Meaning that some calories are not absorbed failing the calories in and out equation.
Yes absolutely. Not only that but plenty of our food passes through undigested whatsoever. In theory we can't control that so we can only measure calories ingested, not calories absorbed but it hopefully sheds light on the fact that this is more complicated than just a number
If you're from Europe knowing Latin definitely gives you a deeper appreciation of a bunch of stuff.
It's a useful way of formalising verb conjugation and tenses which is common across the major European languages. Something they all take for granted but I watch my poor mother's mind melt when she tried learning German as a Chinese speaker. Especially as a lot of these forms are looser and more forgiving in English.
A lot of vocabulary has its origins in Latin and biology and medicine still like to borrow from it.
It's niche but only today I was playing some Mozart on the piano and saw "M. S." where I was meant to cross the hands and I considered for a sec and guessed it must be mano sinistra (forgive the declension) even though I've never learned Italian thanks to Latin.