I have a Framework 13, and I'm excited about this. I've been looking forward to moving to RISC-V for years now. I'm one of those weirdos who is willing to pay more for less performance. I guess they know their customers.
Hey, y’all weirdos are the ones who pave the way for the rest of us. I’m not going to buy this - I’ve got a large enough hobby project graveyard to know where I sit on the customer/nerd spectrum, but I’m stoked it exists. I like the idea of RISC-V, and the easier it is for people to develop on it, the closer it comes to being useable by upright apes like me.
I also have a Framework 13! About a year ago or more I put out a request to get an ARM based processor. My reasons being the battery life on x86 are so weak, it almost defeats the mobility aspect of a laptop. I was using linux, and spent far too much time tweaking settings to get the longest battery life possible. When I compared this to a MBPro with the M1, which I use for work, it became nearly impossible to get my mind off of it.
Arm processors are way better with battery. There are these new Snapdragon X Elite Laptops, which verify the better battery life. I think to be competitive with Apple, the battery life must improve.
Also, the speakers are weak, likely due to none glued construction. I can live with that. Love how easy it is to swap stuff out. Screen is awesome, would love OLED if possible. Also, the bigger size 16, would better fit my needs.
Currently that computer is sitting on a shelf. Very cool technology. Love Framework!
Odd, I’ve got a zenbook flip OLED and after some tweaking on Linux, I’ve been enjoying not thinking about battery life at all. I think on any modern device most of the power is consumed by the screen, which is not really a problem as much with OLED+linux (since the terminal background is black).
That said, it is pretty rare for me to go more than 10 or so hours without any access to electricity.
At the moment most of my power appears to be going to Bluetooth and wifi, which seems hard to blame on the instruction set.
Any reasonable person can see that there's much greater danger in allowing a child to ride in a car on a highway--which no doubt would be considered perfectly acceptable by these police. Look at this visualization of cause of death by age: https://wisqars.cdc.gov/data/lcd/home. For those kids, the number one cause of death is "unintentional injury," the biggest component of which is motor vehicle crashes. Unfortunately, these police wield incredible power in our legal system, and, as a lawyer, I don't see any easy fix. It makes me sad that I'll be raising my child in this kind of environment.
I never understood why programmers have such a hard time with time. There are two and only two pieces of information you need to work with time: seconds past the epoch and location. Everything else is applying legal and social context to the actual data.
Here both of those pieces of information are missing on all three questions, so no answers can be given. Any answer to these questions makes assumptions or deductions about those pieces of information.
I am with you but you missed a key issue of comparison: granularity.
Unix Epoch is by definition at granularity of seconds.
How do you compare 2 epochs where one is in seconds while other in milliseconds. We sort of end up in same comparison game.
> There are two and only two pieces of information you need to work with time: seconds past the epoch and location. Everything else is applying legal and social context to the actual data.
Computer-local time? (No location, only the computer's UTC offset).
Nice to hear Russ's name on HN. Not completely forgotten I see. He also opposed the Patriot Act when it was extremely popular which I thought was courageous.