I recently paid for Dell's next day service with a new PC purchase.
The PC arrived broken, and Dell refused to send anyone out to fix it.
Instead, I waited weeks for a replacement, feeling like a chump.
When I complained to Dell, none of their employees seemed to understand that they had failed to honor their warranty, or why I would be disappointed.
The replacement machine works fine, but Dell violated their agreement with me and so I can no longer recommend them.
Then they're searching wrong because that's not the name of the package. Plus, as I opened with, people should be including their language name as part of the search query by default regardless of the framework's name.
It seems absurd to me that developers are too lazy to add one extra keyword to their search to ensure they get specific results, yet are happy to moan about maintainers not putting enough effort in to avoid namespace collisions in a finite pool of usable project names (and particularly when the project names here are literally different). This strikes me as bad workmen blaming their tools; you have a bad search etiquette and are then passing the buck onto the maintainers to fix.
Sorry if that seams harsh but naming things is really hard but adding `nim` into your search query is really easy. To me it is pretty clear cut where this problem should be solved.
That doesn't respond to the 'public safety issues' the GP was discussing.
Being on the streets is a spectrum of bad luck and bad choices. Yes, that means there are generally examples of people who are mostly one or mostly the other and plenty in between. Usually what happens is a few things go wrong at the same time from either category and life spirals out of control.
The problem is that it's hard to get people back on their feet again and the criminal justice system is quite terrible at it in general, but that doesn't mean that people never learning that there are consequences for their actions is a good thing, either.
Part of the problem is that various criminal societies have developed and need to be dismantled so as not to self-perpetuate the harm they cause to others.