It's worse, it is -O0 -- this is because of the GC and binaryen/llvm interaction. For GC to work we need to spill stack call pointers (and binaryen has such a flag!), but for the optimization level 1 and above said pointers are sometimes optimized away :3
I'm experimenting with WASI and the GC extension for WASM, but that's months from today if we speak about complete port (given my time capacity at the moment).
WasmGC would be the best solution here, yeah, then the VM handles pointers for you.
Otherwise, I could look into the SpillPointers issue for you if you want - optimizations should not remove GC pointers, so that sounds like a bug. If so feel free to file an issue with a testcase. (But WasmGC would be best, avoiding all that.)
As far as I know, optimization levels higher than -O0 work fine with SpillPointers. But at least in a cursory first look I had a while ago, the optimizations made things slower overall. I guess they might lead actually to more "moving pointers in and out of the heap" since the SpillPointers pass is done at the very end. But this should all be investigated more thoroughly.
Hey! Thanks for the offer and thanks for the correction. I've revisited relevant threads and it seems that it is indeed -O0 because things are slower with higher optimization levels (I must have misremembered).
the optimization level -O0 is used because higher optimization
levels seem to interfere with the binaryen options needed to get the
garbage collector to work correctly and tend slow down the program
(might be worth experimenting with the optimization options)
Common Lisp does not require TCO. This runs on emscripten port of Embeddable Common Lisp - this platform support is relatively new. I'm also working on WASI port and an optimizing compiler at runtime (currently we use bytecodes compiler when running).
Web version of ecl when compiler is invoked at runtime, uses one-pass bytecodes compiler, so things tend to lack optimization unless compiled beforehand.
Some of us are hanging out to interact with peers and to share cool hacks. Nothing to do with winning or losing; not all social interactions can be reduced to a psychological warfare.
Many states do operate tuition-free programs for residents at their public colleges. But students with good grades often prefer to take a large amount of debt rather than go to the local state school, and it's not clear how you would go about changing that.
The competition then switches from spending direct financial resources to the university to spending financial resources to out compete other students vying for the same university. In China there's usually 1 seat per 50 candidates for good university spots, and the only thing that matters is your ranking in the entrance exams. It's not exactly uncommon for high school students to be spending 14 to 19 hours a day 7 days a week for 3 to 4 years preparing academically to win a spot.
But on the other hand it would encourage other universities to build better programs. Who cares if it’s difficult to get into a good university. That’s already true without free tuition. Post-high school education already has marginal gains. Networking is a completely different story but one that isn’t affected by the cost of tuition.
It may be better to start with understanding why on earth the it’s so expensive to get educated in the USA, while in other countries it’s much cheaper, even when unsubsidized
Any mention of reducing (or eliminating) profit in America is STRICTLY taboo.
You’re just not allowed.
Profit is the foundation of the American culture and society.
I think in part because on the "buyer" side, there's often a problem of how to sort through 100 resumes for a position. Given that in any given pile of resumes, probably 70% are unqualified, filtering for "degree" is an easy way (though naturally not great, though how not great it is is hard to measure, which of course means we do it) to cut the work required in half or more.
Yeah I don't get why this isn't talked about more. It feels like one of those things in the 80s/90s during the free market fad where people decided that private loans would fix education and it ended up just disastrous.
You don't have "an industry" that hikes prices, and there is a central authority without ulterior motive that has an influence over what is funded. Not to mention that you don't put young people into debt from get go.
My understanding of a free education is one that is 100% paid for by the government, since someone still has to pay the professor's salary. In that case, you still have an issue of an industry that can demand increased prices (from the government, of course) if university enrollment suddenly increases (and I think it would if students didnt have to pay tuition). So I think you still have to figure out how to handle the market forces, but you're right that shifting the burden from the students to the government lets people start off their lives with less debt, which is a benefit of its own.
oh sweet irony - the instant I've opened this article, two popups slided from top and bottom to inform me about spying on users and about a SIGNUP FOR FREE.
It's not a prison, you can leave whenever you want and take with you everything that's supported outside github. Git clone and go. The features that attracted you to begin with still attract you, though, so maybe you don't want to.
Compared to e.g. moving a team from one mail server to another, moving from github is remarkably simple.
Not everything is a bitmap. Ordinary drawing operations operate on coordinates, so fractional scaling should not lead to any blur (although may miss some pixel-perfect designs).
In other words vectors may be scaled with little precision loss, or they may be scaled naively (render to bitmap and then scale the bitmap).
Yes but the fonts, boxes and lines are all fine. And on the web the image issue is usually resolved by starting hi res to begin with and sampling down not up.
When people complain about desktop apps not scaling they aren't complaining about the odd icon, it's the whole app looking like a smeary mess because it's not using vector based graphics. Fronts, grid lines etc. become blurry.
Also, don't you get the same effect (readable large fonts but alignment changes a bit) when you increase the size of your UI fonts, even without changing overall UI scaling?
Why are people (apparently) so attached to pixel alignments for OS-native GUIs?
I'm experimenting with WASI and the GC extension for WASM, but that's months from today if we speak about complete port (given my time capacity at the moment).