o hai edna_piranha i ate half a sandwich leftover from lunch i tried ordering it from orderahead to support the sharing economy (i share my credit card info with them and they share sandwiches with me, it's win-win) but they said it would take a few days to deliver it from the Mission to Tennessee, so I went to a local deli instead. also I had an apple and an ice cream bar from a gas station.
yeah they always make me happy. i wish i had chocolate around the house tho but i don't so i'll just drink this glass of water instead. can you send me a gif of chocolate maybe to cheer me up?
the DAU/MAU is through the roof on this one tho. we'll be able to give brands some premium placement in front of choice consumers of unique internet content in an expeditious and edgy manner that legacy traditional advertisers like WhatsApp and RapGenius can't match.
it's not polite to abuse mod privileges on people who disagree with you. it is also not too much a leap of the imagination to expect a mod of a popular forum to understand the inns and outs of netiquette.