Hop on OpenAI voice mode and start speaking. I do this for Mandarin and Spanish, it even speaks my native Afrikaans! Valuable and only $20 a month. Also, it's great because it can speak about anything, which I find refreshing rather than having domain specific resources.
I've found it often answers a Cantonese question in Mandarin. I'm not sure if that's because it converts to written Chinese, then answers the text, then reads it in Mandarin. But sometimes if you use a Cantonese specific word like 乜野 it'll be (presumably) converted to written Cantonese and then will answer in Cantonese.
For coffee affectionados out there: picking best coffee setup settings is very similar to a physics experiment, and you can totally use the knowledge of experiment design theory there.
* Kinds of beans at various levels of roasting available to you.
* Grind size on a grinder with controllable grind size in
* Ratio of ground coffee weight to water weight used for brewing.
* For filter coffee: preinfusion time, brew time or flow rate
(see V60 brewer).
* For espresso coffee: preinfusion time & pressure, brew time &
pressure or flow rate (see Flair Espresso).
* Water temperature.
* Water mineral composition.
* For milk-based coffee drinks: kinds of milk, milk percentage as ratio of the total drink volume, steaming duration, final milk temperature.
All of these create a huge factorial space of possible configurations, especially if you've go into flow or pressure profiling. If you frame it as an experiment you might isolate some of the variables that make the most impact tailored to your coffee preferences.