Afterbite. Its mostly acid and other caustic stuff to clean the area and kill off any nerve endings immediately inside the bite wound. It works. Just don't itch too much before applying. Afterbite on a scratched bite hurts like acid on a wound ... which it is.
If the survey has text fields and I have enough spite left in me I fill them with "[object Object]" in the hopes it makes someones day more miserable than mine.
For a farmer or other rural resident - getting rid of tree stumps or large boulders. No one in a suburb or city truly needs explosives.
Note that it's not totally unregulated. If you are only an occasional user, you get a permit from the ATF for $25. Plus whatever your state/county wants.
Another application is removal of large rocks, or excavation in places where the bedrock is close to the surface. I recall seeing this done in Ridgefield, Connecticut some decades ago. The excavation was right next to a building and a mat was used to contain fragments.
Haha, as I read your comment I was thinking “yeah, like back in CT.” I saw this done in ridgefield as well. My friends property was basically all bedrock about 1’ under the topsoil.
Maybe I am naive, but is the ability to remove stumps without specialists really worth the risk of random inexperienced/careless people buying dangerous explosives?
To be frank I don’t have much of an opinion on either side. Just sharing how it’s used. I have heard of very few issues with people buying these historically and most/all of these require putting your name on a list.
I suspect a far greater many are injured from fireworks.
I am not advocating for anything but sharing how it’s used. The why would be a lot of people don’t have access to stump grinders and they can be awfully slow if you have a lot to take care of. They also are more expensive to rent and especially to buy. You don’t seem to have experience in the area but if you are taking care of multiple acres and need to knock out a number of stumps, machinery is pretty inefficient. It’s also difficult to move around if we are talking multi acre properties and not a residential less than acre lot.
Get out of here with your ridiculous 1823 hyperbole. These explosive can be very efficient and useful when managing multiple acres.
I have either full time or part time row cropped and livestock farmed for the last 40 years. The last time anyone anywhere even remotely close to me used explosives was to bust a levee.
If you're clearing multiple acres you use a track hoe and a large bulldozer. Source: the 60 acres of grown up crp we finished clearing last month.
I know the Internet wants you to think that rural life is all guns and explosions, but that's sometimes not the case. Why do you think every small town has multiple excavator companies?
>I have either full time or part time row cropped and livestock farmed for the last 40 years. The last time anyone anywhere even remotely close to me used explosives was to bust a levee.
Because the law is such an expensive PITA to comply with that nobody does it. People blew up rocks and stumps all the time before the mid 1970s.
I am sure you have but in the parts of the country I have lived in it’s been a fairly common tool used when clearing forested back country. Not talking so much farming. I don’t know where your snark comes from but it still has a place for some use cases. Sorry to disappoint your imagination. Certainly if you are whole clearing 60 acres machines are helpful. If you are cleaning up some spots here and there on a multi acre property it can be quite useful. So much snark from you for no reason.
Machinery is a complete joke compared to explosives unless you're operating right up near stuff you care about.
About once a week I get pissed off that I'm on Craigslist looking for expensive tractors and expensive attachments instead of just a drill bit and explosives all because some leftists blew up some bathrooms in the 1970s and the 1970s equivalent of people like you wrung their hands over it.
Source: Clearing acreage the hard way in my spare time
At one point it was pretty common for farmer's guidebooks to include recipes for explosives that could be used to clear land (e.g. boulders).
It's fairly common for tannerite to be used for target shooting.
Gunpowder is commonly available for reloading.
I doubt this is common and should probably be illegal if it isn't already because it's horrible for the environment. However, blast fishing is apparently actually a thing!
The first one event mentions regular meetings but not whether they are still happening. I would suggest reaching out to the Vorstand and asking if they know where to look for a jam, they excplicitly write that they see themselves as a networking platform for guitarists in Hamburg.
And as a German I would like to echo what others said about clubs in germany: I have met half of my friendgroup and my long-term partner in a Verein. Nearly every person I know is or was involved in one. Its not always easy to find the right one for you, but I believe it is the most straightforward way to expand ones social circle in Germany.
Thanks for those, hadn’t found them, but I’ll get in touch to see if things are still running. Great tips.
Good tip on CCC too from previous poster, they’re not far from me, they’re near to stuff I know in Altona, I will grab a mask and head to an Open Chaos night. I passed my B1 earlier this year so my German sucks less than it used to but is still terrible.
This year has honestly speaking been terrible, but all I can try to do is either go back home or find some people to talk to here. You gotta work with what you’ve got.
The solution to most social media problems in general is:
`select * from posts where author_id in @follow_ids order by date desc`
At least 90% of the ills of social media are caused by using algorithms to prioritize content and determine what you're shown. Before these were introduced, you just wouldn't see these types of things unless you chose to follow someone who chose to post it, and you didn't have people deliberately creating so much garbage trying to game "engagement".