This is an interesting read and take. I don't think it's applicable to everything because not everything fits neatly into "if I explain it, you will buy". This also cripples any kind of outbound motion, which for some businesses, they may never need so that's fine.
On an unrelated note, that squashed font look they're using everywhere is really killing my eyes.
This is exciting to see as arm64 is really a growing space, as we've seen since first launching our Docker image build acceleration [0]. Free for public repos is definitely a strong pull if you can live with some of the quirks.
Even with this, building multi-platform Docker images with fast persistent caching in GitHub Actions will still be slow in the worst case and tedious in the best case.
We've also expanded into GitHub Actions runners, bringing our fast caching and faster compute into the actual runner.
We've done some cool things like making caching and disk access faster using ramdisks, Ceph, and blob storage [1]. We're offering Intel, ARM, and macOS runners at half the cost of what GitHub offers to private repos. We're also focused on accelerating even more builds outside of the runner. [2]
Your landing and product pages don't mention macOS, only the pricing page, but the docs make it look like the macOS runners are the same price as Github's.
Yeah, this is definitely lacking on our pricing page; thank you for flagging it.
We charge $0.08/minute for macOS runners [0] which has 8 CPUs, 24 GB of memory, and 150 GB of disk. They run with M2 chips, so the closest GitHub-hosted macOS runner is the arm64 one with 6 CPUs at $0.16/minute [1].
It's also worth mentioning that we charge by the minute but track by the second. Whereas GitHub actually rounds up to the closest minute. So a 10-second build on Depot is 10 seconds, and you don't get charged a minute until you've accumulated a minutes worth of build time.
One of the founders of Depot here. Always feel free to ping me directly (email in my bio) if you ever want to chat more about container builds in general.
For sure! I've always felt like a bit of a loner in that the assumption in most of these platforms is that your build starts with either something barebones (just apt) or maybe your platform only (python3:latest).
However, I've typically dealt with builds that have a very heavy dependency load (10-20GB) where it isn't desirable to install everything every time— I'd rather have an intermediate "deps" container that the build can start from. But I don't want to have to manually lifecycle that container; if I have a manifest of what's in my apt repo vs the current container, it should just know automatically when a container rebuild is required.
This is the type of project I still absolutely love reading about on HN. It feels like we use to see these types of things much more frequently than we do now. But I’m sure that is just my own browsing habits changing.
Ingress pricing is indeed cheaper. POST is $0.005 per thousand requests on standard and $0.0025 on express one.
Egress and storage however are more expensive on express one than any other tier. For comparison, glacier (instant), standard and express are $0.004, $0.023 and $0.16 per GB. Although slight, standard tier also receives additional discounts above 50 TB.
This was a great read. As an American who is currently living in France, I'm always blown away by how easy it is for me to get just about anywhere via train.
Almost 2/3 of Americans live in states with population density comparable to Europe. The real issue is that the density is too uniform to make rail a viable form of transportation. If you take a major American city and the surrounding suburbs and drop it in Europe, it will likely cover several cities, their suburbs, and rural land between the cities.
I don't think this argument really holds up in a world where China built twenty-eight thousand miles of HSR in two decades, a lot of it connecting disparate urban areas much like what the US has:
As @jltsiren noted, this is a false equivalence. You need to compare the population densities where most people actually live, not overall density. When you do that, a very different picture emerges.
Other founder of Depot here. AWS is pretty close to this idea with their Warm Pools [0]. But for our use case, they're just too slow to react to changes. We observed 60s+ to notice a change and actually start the machine. That doesn't work when we need to launch the machine as quickly as possible in reaction to a pending GHA job.
That said, I think this is a problem they could likely solve with that functionality, and we'd love to use it.
It's very strange how these types of nice UX things seem to be lacking in big modern apps nowadays. I think we all know why, they aren't revenue drivers. But, surely this wouldn't be that hard for Spotify to do themselves.
Shout out to this project and all the others mentioned in this thread that are adding the niceties that seem to be missing.
My guess is it's also down to the proliferation of cross-platform UX toolkits that allow for A/B testing of every single component. Making a cool UX thing that requires native OS features would go against that philosophy. And, as you say, it's not a revenue driver so nobody will be fighting for it.
Modern OSes, as much as they pretend not to, are patchworks of antiquated components and designs where it's a wonder that anything integrates at all.
Why is the OS not handle states and events globally? If I turn on do not disturb, it show show me as unavailable on Outlook/Teams/Google Workplace. Yet the "official" method is to go into individual apps and switch it. And god help you if you turned on DND but forgot you had an alarm, instead of vibrating first it's just going to ring loudly in the middle of wherever you are (talking of iOS, I know android has a few options but it's still messy).
Scrolling is still "viewing" as if the screen was an A4 (or similar) paper. You could have dynamic vision tracking with a magnifier to boost ergonomics, but no, the button for "close window" that is used once in 10 minutes is as big as the start menu or the right click button and is the same px size as the text you're reading.
Context awareness is absolutely crap on EVERY major OS, be it android or iOS or Windows, and I'm pretty sure MacOS and Linux too. Everything is a silo (fine) but does not integrate together. (Side note, if anyone wants to fix this feel free to contact me via my email in my profile. I'm not really a coder but I know a bit about systems engineering.)
I don't disagree at all. It's a cultural/corporate thing where Microsoft can basically go "Nah, Teams is too big and we don't have time to integrate it." Basically, there's no real competition, and no one's switching away from Teams just because they don't pay attention to details like this. It's annoying/infuriating but also just the reality nowadays that everyone accepts.
Spotify is particularly atrocious when it comes to UI. Never have I seen an app go out of its way to make its UX worse as upgrades are released, it’s infuriating. I’d have been gone a long time ago if there were any serious competitor to switch to.
Seeing a post like this on HN with all of the positive comments and thoughts is truly an inspiration.