My impression formed from my time in cancer drug discovery is that bro science is, within practical bounds, a perfectly reasonable option for one arm of a comprehensive plan for treatment.
A lot of things that sound like bro science are actually broadly supported in the literature. But studying this stuff is hard because of all of the usual issues with human subjects, the less than complete reliability of our epistemic institutions, and the infeasibility of running enough trials to address every indication in every subcohort. So if anecdata supports some intervention that that isn't aggressively inconsistent with basic theory, won't make you miserable for what might be the rest of your life, and which you could try with the sober understanding that your One Weird Trick might not work, why not?
If nothing else, a well-documented case study with good adherence tells us of one more thing that didn't work, which is hardly the worst parting gift to the world.
Every single person I know who died from cancer young went down this route, from trying weird cures to going and seeing John of God in Brazil. Zero cured or delayed the cancer. All delayed acceptance and GREATLY regretted wasting that time and wishing they had had more time in the acceptance phase not the 'this can't be real' 'I can't die' 'There has to be something' denial.
This can and does hurt them, and is cruel. If they want to inflict in upon themselves, that is one thing. But to do it because OP has had enough losing friends is selfish. You will never stop losing friends to death, in fact, it will only accelerate from here on out. It will never get easy. In fact, it compounds as more and more joy/light/goodness leaves the world and those you turned to for support are gone. It's part of the deal they made when our parents volunteered us for this existence.
My own view is not that self-experimentation is an appropriate, let alone likely efficacious, substitute for reconciliation to the idea of one's death. I certainly don't endorse interference in others' treatment, however well-intentioned. If you want to say: "you shouldn't treat your terminal illness like a science fair project unless you possess extreme sang froid and are precommitted to the acceptance of your death", I'd find that totally reasonable.
But my own view is rather that institutional epistemology is somewhat overrated, and self-experimentation somewhat underrated, relative to the conventional wisdom. (Though some people go too far in this direction.) This leads to general overconfidence in epistemic efficient market hypothesis arguments ("if a protocol were worthwhile, someone would have found it already") and underconfidence in the value of crowd-sourcing trying a bunch of stuff and writing it down. This view was principally informed by developing cancer drugs for a living and coming to appreciate that it's really hard, your knowledge of what's going on during a clinical trial is highly abstracted, and you can't be everywhere at once. It was secondarily informed by watching people do bro science on certain important questions and making interesting progress in large part because they could move much faster than academic or corporate research.
If we recast the point of contention as: "what is the largest effect size that could be found by an institution outside of academia or industry?", my position is that it's plausibly non-zero.
I'm sorry for your friends and I hope they found peace.
As a pure numbers game, I’d find it more surprising if “broscience” never found a result:
- a lot of terminal patients are prone to experimenting
- their overall number probably eclipses the total number of trial patients in a given year by at least one order of magnitude and I’d believe two or three
- they don’t have institutional barriers to what they can try, eg, they’ll fund non-patentable treatments
- a lot of their approaches are taking things from published papers and trying to recreate similar effects (eg, calorie control [1])
That they’ve stumbled across at least one treatment that solved at least one case for at least one patient seems likely. Isolating that from incorrect null results is where the epistemological struggle is. And there’s a good chance that it won’t help you with your particular case.
But what’s the harm in trying? — you’re probably going to die anyway.
When you try someone else's "broscience", you're not really experimenting with the unknown, so it's unlikely you're going to stumble into a "result". They know it doesn't work. If it did work, they'd have patented it and licensed it to Merck or Pfizer.
I think your argument is that developing cancer treatments is really hard and the clinical trial process has problems. I can believe it. Do you think the mainstream epistemological process produces more false negatives or more false positives? What's the proportion of cases where a chemist finds a compound that really works, but the process incorrectly rules it out, vs cases where something that doesn't really do much still comes out the other end as a marketable drug?
I'm not in the industry, so what do I know? But I kind of doubt there are actual, effective treatments just sitting there unmonetized in Merck's basement library because the company is slow and the process makes things difficult. Especially the kinds of things that get mentioned in HN threads that don't require any chemistry research and are pretty straightforward to test, like fasting, meditation and yoga.
TBC I have no reason to believe that Big Pharma is deliberately withholding effective treatments it knows about so much as making (understandable) decisions not to investigate them in the first place. The total addressable market of a potential therapy is a central consideration for target selection-- you're roughly trying to maximize patient population times marginal willingness to pay over the standard of care. I don't think there's anything nefarious about this btw, you have to do what makes the greatest difference.
But that does mean that if you have a hyper-specific rare disease, the person who is willing to spend the most time thinking about it may very well be you. Or if you're living far from a major hospital and getting treated by a generalist with a heavy case load, you might be the most invested person within 500 miles of you, which is almost the same thing but better because you can still read the literature.
I wouldn't encourage the average patient to try doing rational drug design in their garage, but one could ask: "are there things that look promising that are still a year out from clinical trials?" and think about how to DIY some approximation to that.
At the extreme end of this spectrum, you have people like Beata Halassy who did just that, treating her own cancer with DIY viral therapy (, and please do note all the finger-wagging about how terrible and irresponsible of her it was to save her own life). Why did she have to do that instead of just going to a doctor? Because the route to the clinic is too slow. Why is the route to the clinic too slow? Because FDA has the institutional incentives that it's better that ten thousand patients die for lack of a cure than one die of quackery. Why's that? Because the FDA gets penalized for bad treatments but not for treatments that don't exist. But I say that dying of lack of a cure is not much better than dying of quackery, so we might as well minimize total deaths.
At the somewhat less extreme end, you have ideas like trying to treat GBM with Zika virus, which has a sketch of a mechanistic explanation and some support in animal models, but afaict no clinical trials yet ( Is this a cure for GBM? Complete BS? Something in between? I have no idea, which is kind of my point-- no one knows yet. Regulators probably aren't that jazzed about signing off on giving neurotropic viruses to immunocompromised patients without a lot of prior evidence that will give them cover for making that call if something goes wrong (which it totally might!). But an individual patient might look at that question with a different set of incentives.
Or consider psychiatric treatment of various mental illnesses. The best and most honest psychs I know will tell you that, past a certain point, responsiveness to a given drug is idiosyncratic and the state of the art is really just "try a bunch of stuff until something works", without much concern for hypotheses about underlying mechanisms. Is that rational medicine or bro science? Something in between, I think. And is it possible that there are behavioral protocols that help one particular schizophrenia patient to manage their quality of life better than the standard of care as defined for the entire population? Given that no one really agrees about what schizophrenia even is, this seems not totally impossible.
And then at the other end of the spectrum you basically have lifestyle interventions, as you note. Almost everyone agrees that certain of these are good for you, but some are really difficult to implement and adhere to. It seems reasonable to self-experiment with those things.
If this was the case there would be facilities in remote countries with lax law making billions off of curing cancer. While there are indeed facilities in countries with lax laws doing questionable medicine, none are known for actually working. Instead they are known for preying on people. The fact that successful facilities don't exist indicates to me that your hypothesis is incorrect.
As I’ve pointed out elsewhere, I don’t think curing cancer is the bar for sober self-experimentation. “Noticeable amelioration of disease” is.
There is substantial regulatory burden that prevents US-based companies from doing what you suggest. In fact there is regulatory burden that prevents things that 99% of American voters would prefer, like having reciprocity agreements that allow you to take any drug that had already been approved in Europe. It’s instructive to look at the case of Halassy and notice how much reflexive resistance there is to even the most self-evidently good ideas.
To make things concrete, here’s a practical idea: write down everything you eat while on a medication and rate your subjective well being everyday. Look for patterns. If anything jumps out at you, try eliminating it and seeing if your subjective wellbeing improves. Is this method fool-proof and without failure modes? Of course not. Is the prior probability that you’re eating at least one thing that’s unknowingly contraindicated for your condition / treatment pair very low? Also no.
My model is that the rate limiting factor for spotting unknown contraindications mostly just individual attention / discipline, so EMH arguments are unresponsive to this factor.
Consider the following argument: if obesity were such a big health problem, why is everyone fat? Mostly because losing weight is really hard, which I sympathize with but don’t take as an indication that it’s impossible to do anything about it.
In fact we don’t even have to bring disease into it at all. I’m sure that if i did a systematic elimination diet i would find one or two common foods that really didn’t agree with me, which i could make noticeable differences in QoL by avoiding. Why don’t I? Mostly because I’m just too lazy, and I’m fine with copping to that. But i don’t think it’s crazy for someone to choose otherwise, especially if they had a higher upside.
True. But for the highest-grade nasties, where median life expectancy is unfortunately short and progression near-universal, you don't need much signal to get above the noise.
Anyone surviving more than a handful of years with something like that is an outlier such as to merit a full work-back, and at that point it's no longer bro science.
I think that's partly a survivor (the disease surviving, not the patient) bias effect.
Things that could be solved by random discoveries are no longer considered the highest-grade nasties. There were a lot more intractably fatal conditions in 1870 than there are today.
So the likelihood of there being answers that could have been randomly discovered by medics with 1870 or 1920 levels of knowledge is tiny. At the same time, the sum of human knowledge has expanded so rapidly since then, it's not impossible for stuff to get missed.
Apparently you know many people that have died from cancer young, and this qualifies you to know how a terminally ill person should process that emotion.
You have zero qualification. How dare you imply that you know best for someone going through this.
Hopefully no one reading this is ever in that situation. But I'll defer to the individual who's facing the death count down to process it in their own way.
Your tone policing in offensive. Psychological and quality of life in end of life situations are valid and necessary considerations to include when talking about life threatening conditions.
I said nothing about how a terminally ill person should process anything. I stated what I have found to provide the best outcome when a person close to you has a terminal disease. If OP said 'my friend asked me to research...' I would have given a different response/no response.
But when OP makes it look like this is an initiative OP took upon themselves, for themselves, because they have lost too many friends, then yeah, I'm going to highlight that might not be the best possible position to come from if OP wants the best outcome for their friend. My response about outcomes it totally valid since OP asked for help with outcomes.
To give a practical example, grapefruit juice contains some compounds that inhibit CYP3A4, a metabolic enzyme that influences the metabolism and absorption of many drugs, which is why many prescriptions tell you not to drink it while taking a given medication.
This interaction was not discovered until 1989, and not reported until two years after that. So before 1991, a simple dietary intervention that affected like half of all drugs and that could in principle have been noticed by patient who felt bad after drinking a common household beverage, was bro science.
Which is not to say "and therefore just do whatever", but just to point out that there's plausibly a lot of low-hanging fruit still left if you can figure out where to pick it.
The problem is you can't figure out where to pick it; it's lost in a sea of superstitious noise.
Even if you could find this fruit easily, "a food that cures cancer when eaten" does not exist. That would surface in epidemiological studies very quickly.
I admire your optimism in epidemiology. In point of fact, though, we have a rough natural experiment in the form of a food that doesn't cure a disease, but rather makes half of all drugs worse. That's very valuable knowledge, and under ideal epistemic conditions it might have been discovered within a few years of organized drug discovery as such. Yet was not widely known until the 1990s. So that's a failed positive control, which suggests that our practical capabilities to detect these kinds of effects are limited. Understandably so, given that there is no general requirement for dietary logging in clinical trials.
That said, "a food that cures cancer when eaten" is not the bar for experimentation. More realistic might be something like "a dietary or behavioral protocol that, in some way, ameliorates this or that illness".
For organisms with our body plan, "a cure for cancer" is like talking about "a cure for defection". But clearly there's "stuff that is efficacious against particular instances of cancer", a lot of which we found through techniques like natural product screens, i.e. "just trying stuff", rather than via rational drug design.
It is indeed somewhat surprizing why it took so long to figure out grapefruit juice (and it was by accident during the study of the effects of coffee on a drug). Some of the early drugs that interacted with grapefruit juice where short-term agents like antibiotics, and others like channel blockers didnt have obvious detrimental toxicity though they might have had effects that were above the range of typical human variability. Powerful statins became household items a bit later, and all the cancer drugs were invented after this association was already known.
I think there is a lot of efficacy left on the table with modern studies, clinical trials, and drug development. Most of the work is looking for treatments that work for the majority of the population. If a treatment was effective than standard care for 10% of people, it would be discarded.
It is more economical to start over looking for something that works for 90% of people.
Drugs an treatments aren't evaluated and discarded when proven worthless. The bottleneck is the number of treatments in development, so they are discarded when something else has a better ROI.
I love that someone asks for advice. Even for individual experience because he is miserable and some people are basically like "Nah just die. It would be uNeThIcaL."
Philosophy of mind is the branch of philosophy that attempts to account for a very difficult problem: why there are apparently two different realms of phenomena, physical and mental, that are at once tightly connected and yet as different from one another as two things can possibly be.
Broadly speaking you can think that the mental reduces to the physical (physicalism), that the physical reduces to the mental (idealism), both reduce to some other third thing (neutral monism) or that neither reduces to the other (dualism). There are many arguments for dualism but I’ve never heard a philosopher appeal to “magic spirits” in order to do so.
If architectural beauty is subjective, that’s an even stronger argument for building stuff that broad majorities find pleasing instead of stuff designed by architects who write manifestos about how much they hate beauty.
Consider the analogy: the difference between two programs is one line of source, and most end users couldn’t tell you the practical consequences of that change.
The Orthodox allege that the Filioque amounts to a demotion of the Holy Spirit. Comparing the liturgies, disciplines and general character of the two churches, it’s difficult to feel totally confident that they don’t have a point.
I recently had the occasion to visit the deathbed of a relative who died with much of his family deeply wounded by, and angry at, him. Had you known him, you might have called him a horrible person and not without some backing for that claim.
But I went because I felt a duty to my relatives that isn’t released just because they didn’t hold up their end of the bargain: he had indirectly given me life, even if he had done much ill besides. And moreover I felt an obligation to the office of the head of my family that transcended the particular man.
It would be a grim world in which comfort for the grieving is a service the deceased must have earned in advance, and we the comforters decide whether they have really earned it.
I know several people who expressed a wish not to have a funeral. Sometimes this wish stems from a desire not to be an inconvenience, or a sense of guilt or shame that one's life was not well-lived. Sometimes, simply the view that funerals don't matter, so why bother.
In every case, I think this desire is mistaken. The need to mourn the dead is an instinct older than our species itself, and in dismissing it we wound the people closest to us.
If you're the sort of person to whom the idea of skipping your own funeral sounds tempting, I kindly ask you for the sake of your loved ones that you reconsider.
Yes, agreed. My dad said he didn't want a wake or funeral---I think he didn't want to put anyone out---but we overruled him, because the services weren't for him. Once he thought about that, he agreed (and gave some input on their planning, which was interesting). In the end it brought together a lot of people who hadn't seen each other in a very long time, which I appreciated, and I got to hear some stories I'd never heard before, which I also appreciated, and it made the whole process just feel a lot easier to deal with.
I (politely) disagree. My father did not wish a funeral, and, per his wishes, we did not hold one for him.
And honestly, standing at his gravesite paying my respects, I do not have the painful memories that I had with my mother's funeral, trying to organize, trying to handle everyone and everything, and not being able to grieve in the way that I wanted until long after. Instead, I am able to simply talk to him, and not have such a frustrating coda.
They say that funerals are for the living. Sure. But going to funerals of loved ones has never made me feel better in the long run compared to more private goodbyes, and I am not the only one to feel this way.
I am in this camp. I have been to the funerals of loved ones and once helped arrange one for a close family member. It was a very stressful affair.
But I also recognize that other people got more out of it than did I. They cried and hugged and shared memories. That experience I am assuming was very valuable to them. But not to me. I was stressed the entire time. The lesson I learned was that funerals are valuable to some while not others.
I don't think a significant number of people have ever written a will that actively prevented a funeral. A funeral doesn't require the deceased. It's fine to skip it.
It's difficult to characterize the social sciences as a whole. There's some great work, some mediocre but honest work, some deliberate fraud, and an awful lot of venial epistemic sins.
But for the most part, the social sciences have become identified with a certain political worldview, to the point where the suppositions of this worldview can be assumed in papers without needing to be consciously articulated or defended. Indeed a lot of this work is explicitly concerned with finding ways to engineer public opinion in order to make this worldview more palatable to gen pop.
Putting aside the question of whether that's good or bad, it's always puzzled me that the experts on social behavior are surprised when the people on the other side of that social engineering project get mad about it. Of all the imponderables of human nature, that seems like one of the easiest things to understand.
Also peer review in its current form was a postwar invention, meaning that for the majority its history it was not regularly employed, let alone considered to be a line of demarcation between science and non-science.
Having been on both sides of the peer review process many times, I can assure you that it does not pick out all and only “actual science”
It’s often unclear whether the decision to remove politically unfavorable content is a pure business decision or the result of informal lobbying of such companies by the government. The White House has often made requests about the removal of material about certain stories, including e.g. the Hunter Biden laptop affair, and it’s rarely clear whether these requests are entertained due to general political sympathy, the threat of unfavorable regulation, or what. If the government directly censors citizens’ speech that’s a 1st Amendment concern, but if they strongly insinuate that a company will face a hostile legal climate unless it censors a citizen’s speech, that is afaict not illegal.
Do you mean the Biden campaign rather than the White House? Twitter was fielding requests from the Trump White House at the same time since Trump was president then.
And of course we know this, and you probably got your slightly skewed take, from a supporter and member of the incoming President's team now owning Twitter.
> Do you mean the Biden campaign rather than the White House? Twitter was fielding requests from the Trump White House at the same time since Trump was president then.
lambdaphagy said "the White House". You seem to be arguing that it wasn't one specific occupant of the White House but more a property of the office.
It seems a bit weird to question whether lambdaphagy meant what they said when you seem to be trying to argue that what was said is literally correct. It is one of the most disagreeable supportive comments I've ever seen. Am I reading it right or have I misinterpreted you?
The claim that the authorship was not reported for ~90 years (not 140!) is an inference based on the surviving material from a literary culture very different from our own, separated from us by 2,000 years. Walter Ong's Orality and Literacy is highly recommended to those interested in the question of how different typographical print culture can be from manuscript culture, let alone from oral culture (of which the 1st century Mediterranean was a kind of intermediate form).
The primary argument against the traditional assignation of authorship of the Gospels is that they're not referred to by name in the Church Fathers before Irenaus (~180 AD). But by the literary standards of the ancient world, that just doesn't seem that weird to me? The early Fathers were referring to works by authors in living memory, and the prevailing bibliographical standards were somewhat lax for even further removed sources. We wouldn't claim that anyone who referred to Aristotle as "the philosopher" or Isaiah as "the prophet", as often happened, didn't know their names. Moreover, Justin Martyr (~150 CE) is often cited as evidence against named Gospels, but in the same source he refers to the Gospels collectively as "the memoirs of the Apostles", which doesn't help the case for anonymous authorship.
The biggest problem for the anonymous theory, however, is simply that there are no manuscript witnesses to support it: all the early manuscripts have titles. So the anonymous theory has to posit:
- The last Gospel, John, was reduced to writing about ~95 AD.
- The Gospels circulated throughout the Mediterranean in anonymous form.
- At some point before 180 AD, the Church decided to get its story straight and assigned names to the Gospels.
- At that point, everyone from France to India started referring to the Gospels with their present names, without any controversies or mixups.
- All of the earlier anonymous manuscripts were lost to history.
I'm not saying that definitely could not have happened, just that it doesn't seem especially more plausible than the traditional account.
I've read a suspiciously large amount of historical criticism for someone who doesn't do this for a living, thinking I would finally get to the bottom of what the New Testament was "really" about. I came away with the impression that the optimal amount of attention to pay to NT hist crit is either a lot, or zero. Every generation of hist crit somehow comes away with the conclusion that the NT is really about the issues of concern to that generation. In fact this has been going on ever since the field was founded by 19th century German Romantics, who discovered that the NT was the product of national ur-spirits expressed through folklore [!]
Our cultural familiarity with the NT sometimes keeps us from seeing how strange a collection of documents it really is. It is perhaps the best attested collection of sources in the ancient world, yet contains a mixture of Greco-Roman biography and history, supernatural events, and mystical theology. I am not trying to persuade you of any particular view about NT scholarship so much as challenge the idea that there's anything cut and dry about it.
I appreciate your extensive and considered response.
There were dozens of other books often attributed to other apostles, and even by the time of Paul, he was warning about false gospels in circulation. The point is that we know that authorship was attributed to various books to give them weight and credibility.
It took around 200 more years before the current canonical list of books was settled on -- and then distributed around the world of Christianity without mixups (of course, Eastern Orthodox had their own ideas but the point stands). Considering how much less established and illiterate Christianity was in 180 vs 380 it seems even less surprising that the names of authorship could be chosen and settled.
My impression is that "gospel" (evangelion, G2098) is used exclusively to refer to something like "the good news of the Kingdom of God" rather than this or that manuscript or written account. The word is used extensively by Jesus in that sense: "the Kingdom of God is at hand, repent and believe in the Gospel" (Mk 1:15) means "believe the good news that I am telling you", not the (rather meta-literary) "believe the literal document that you are now reading, in which I am a character".
This sense carries over straightforwardly to the Epistles. So "false gospels" seems better interpreted in context as "false teachings about Jesus" rather than "counterfeit manuscripts" in particular. In fact, AFAWCT there were no written Gospels when Paul was writing, so he couldn't have been referring to manuscripts.
We do know that there were non-canonical gospel manuscripts floating around at some point, which is not that surprising if we consider a gospel manuscript to be "something somebody wrote down about Jesus". But the non-canonical gospels are for the most part very late, and I'm not aware of any serious early debate about the list of canonical gospels, with one exception: Marcion rejected all of the canonical gospels, along with all of the OT, and substituted his own Gospel of Marcion (based on Luke and composed ~150 AD). There are debates about some of the minor Epistles, but there's no (surviving) argument about this or that community proposing to replace John with Thomas or anything like that.
There is a common misconception that if an Ecumenical Council pronounces a doctrine at a certain date, then the Church must have started believing it on that date. But more often the definitive ruling comes only when a long-held but unarticulated belief is challenged and the Church is forced to respond to the controversy. (Think of how the rules of sports evolve when a player exploits a loophole that obviously isn't in the spirit of the game.) So the fact that the canon was formally defined at a certain date doesn't seem to require that there was no practical fact of the matter as to which accounts were accepted before then: the early sources we have seem pretty unanimous on Gospel canonicity.
But I could be garbling all of this and don't want to overstate my case.
A lot of things that sound like bro science are actually broadly supported in the literature. But studying this stuff is hard because of all of the usual issues with human subjects, the less than complete reliability of our epistemic institutions, and the infeasibility of running enough trials to address every indication in every subcohort. So if anecdata supports some intervention that that isn't aggressively inconsistent with basic theory, won't make you miserable for what might be the rest of your life, and which you could try with the sober understanding that your One Weird Trick might not work, why not?
If nothing else, a well-documented case study with good adherence tells us of one more thing that didn't work, which is hardly the worst parting gift to the world.