I second that. The majority of web projects I've seen had class names scattered all over different files and it was always a nightmare to make significant changes. You don't have this exact problem with Tailwind.
I just looked into the project and the slides are incredible. It would be nice if more professors would put so much effort into creating slides and not just take over the previous one and present them.
I can't say anything about the consulting companies, but the developers in Walldorf that I got to know were all competent.
I can only talk about my experiences and there are many in my social circle (computer science students at KIT) who are capable developers and either work for SAP as working students or would like to join SAP in the course of their professional life.
As a first job, SAP is actually not that popular. But that's due to the fact that many don't want to join Big Corporate directly, but want to work at startups first.