What kind of features would this hypothetical product need from your community to be useful? To have a small paid tier such as a small fee per map/month/year?
-Sketching/CAD tools for geographic features (I can imagine a 2D view for more cartographic top view, but being able to translate elevations to a simple 3d view to allow reference for myself and other concept artists in the group to build off of), could also imagine a way to buy prints of their maps and gain revenue from that.
-Ability to populate city level information (where the nearest inns are, closest blacksmith, etc ) from database
-Definitely a light paid tier, cause my ideal consumer profile is DMs like my friends and I who may pay for D&D Beyond, but aren’t trying to add another subscription to the roster. Everyone has access to the tooling, but maybe the paid tier is for storage and online sharing?
-Ability to print to PDF or take the files into other formats
This is very cool! It reminds me of Jekyll for github blogs. What blog software are you using? It looks like Ghost? Good job! If you use Bitcoin would love to tip.
Wow, I never thought about it like that, becoming public infrastructure. If that were to happen, what would keep the Department of Transportation in each state from adopting beacons and installing them on mile-markers, etc?
I have done a lot of geospatial app development.