I work for myself, so I don't interview for jobs, but I do interview for projects or interim positions.
Being a generalist myself, my CV is also all over the place. I tailor my 'CV' to the company/project I'm interviewing for, so it appears less confusing. I have several versions where different skills and projects are highlighted, downplayed or even removed. I also write a tailored text for the position or project, making it explicitly clear why I would be a good fit, to make sure the person views me the way I want to be viewed. I try to ensure that my CV leaves no room for their personal interpretation. (many are often skeptical of a broad skillset, or lack the experience to properly value it)
That said, it could also be the current economy that works against you.
I'm curious when AI generated music will displace most artist-created music on Spotify or similar platforms, and if we will even notice. It will probably cost a few dollars per track to generate.
Maybe we'll be left with a handful of Beyoncé's or Taylor Swift's that expand beyond just music, and the rest is generated.
I suspect that AI generated music will be widely produced and consumed in the same way AI movies will largely be used for say commercials or cutscenes, AI images for commercial illustration, and LLM text for content writing; interstitial filler material that is obligatory but no one really seeks out. So you’ll hear royalty-free AI-generated muzak when you’re on hold watching network TV show procedurals/sitcoms, meditation apps and low-fi hip-hop beats channels. When there needs to be sound that you’re not actually focusing on.
> I'm curious when AI generated music will displace most artist-created music on Spotify or similar platforms, and if we will even notice. It will probably cost a few dollars per track to generate.
I sure hope not. I may not buy lots of music, but I have been to see many of my favourite artists in person, in venues that range from a few hundred people to a few thousand - certainly nothing on the scale of Swift or Beyoncé. And I discovered many of those artists through streaming.