I'm not going back to the office ever there's no need to.. the company I work for has experienced explosive growth since we went remote ..brought on and maintained 100 new hires.
If they try to force me I'll find something else!!
Cities are dying some cause of remote work but aren't we tired of the govt controlling our lives (Biden's remark of all remote workers must go back..ha lmao). Umm the solution is to innovate cities and offer programs for remote workers to come live there for three to six to 12 months ..have a startup that owns buildings in all cities for remote workers to live in and congregate as well let's them jump from town to town every many months. City living Innovation not more govt control/lame ideas is what is needed to spur the economies of cities and their future prosperity.
Exactly stop with the dumb idiotic politics were in a pandemic and even both sides are coming together (setting aside the stupidity) to focus on trying to defeat this virus.
Decreased extreme workouts that raise creatine, stopped/will not take any form of meds or pills, started drinking 3 liters of water daily and started cooking all my meals At home. My diet was horrible before ..no water, chic fil grilled chicken each morning and outback/bar food almost nightly. Though it wasn't fried bar food I cut that out long ago but food prepared by you is always going to be healthier then eating out.
So far my plant based renal doc and I are seeing positive results. Further I no longer have fluid build up when sitting for long periods.
I'm not a doctor just spreading the word as to what has helped me and tons of others. It may or may not work for everyone but eating healthier is something every being on the planet knows that's the best thing to do for overall good health. I can't see how it can hurt you to eat healthier, but again I'm not a doc.
I have seen it work for 1000s in the Facebook group Natural Kidney Journey and across the Internet. Many success stories daily seen on that group match my positive results like your relative's same results.
Not sure why there is such downvoting going on about suggesting becoming more healthy to better your life and or at least try it to see if it works. Those who are highly negative are you saying a kidney patient who goes vegetarian or vegan is hurting themselves? Love to hear your thoughts!
Well, I mean she's kept things under control. I don't know if she (a nutritionist/dietician by training) would recommend radical diet changes while on dialysis.
Also, your comment made it seem like diet change is a silver bullet, when it is not. My relative has had a couple of times where she's had to use medicine to keep her kidneys from going non-functional.
I'm aware that you might not have intended it to frame diet change, but that's how it comes off.
Uhhh the numbers are what renal docs use to determine dialysis soon or now. Is that not right?
Cause what your saying above is the numbers don't matter? WHich contradicts all renal docs usage of the numbers!
Further yes my creatine is down and my eGFR is up, as well the fluid symptoms i suffered in 2019 are gone. My renal doc advocates plant based diets and has patients who has thwarted off dialysis for more then 20 years. Please tell me why I shouldn't follow all this data including from my primary care who advocates such diet change?
>Kidney function is most often estimated indirectly, based on measurements of the amount of a chemical called creatine in the blood.
That's the money shot. What he is saying is that given the assumption of a normal diet and a well functioning kidney, creatine blood level is a useful proxy for indicating kidney health.
The problem comes in that your creatine level's usefulness as a proxy for kidney health is reliant on the assumption you're eating a relatively normal diet. If you eat one low in creatine, but also have failing kidneys, the low level of creatine intake masks the kidney health indicator because the doctor will likely assume you are eating a normal diet, and not calibrate the numbers to reflect your particular situation.
It's not that the numbers don't matter; it's that you need to understand how the mechanics of the measurement can be effected by violated base assumptions. Always talk with a physician, and try to give them as much relevant information with regards to your lifestyle as you can.
Sure and each month I get labs done and review them with my renal doc. She advocates a plant based diet and has seen her clients stave off dialysis for over 20 years through diet. It took awhile to find such a doc as all others said there's no hope or nothing can be done..getting ready to decline further. Nope those docs were fired!
I wasn't trying to imply the diet approach didn't work. I was just trying to make it a little more clear how the mechanics of the measurement could lead to misunderstandings occurring in the absence of sharing details pertinent to the process of conducting the measurement.
I too have experienced what happens when you have to run the gauntlet of physicians who seem to have stopped thinking upon receipt of their medical degree as well. Hence the encouragement to coordinate with a physician. Not necessarily the one who might not be doing a great job working with you to manage your health.
Mitch McConnell stated that the tax cuts increased employment. Politifact rates that statement as Half True[0]. In reality, it's fair to say tax cuts created an environment that was conducive to hiring, but also, the levels of hiring have been pretty steady since 2010.
That being said, there's even less evidence that this is even Half True in the tech industry.
Google, Apple, Amazon had been hiring like crazy well before Trump came into office. Google and Amazon revenues have gone through the roof in the last decade and they have doubled quadrupled their workforce. This is largely a PR move to respond to Amazon's show. And Amazon itself got started to extract maximum tax incentives from cities. Their HQ2 RFP was announced before the tax bill was passed
I'm not going back to the office ever there's no need to.. the company I work for has experienced explosive growth since we went remote ..brought on and maintained 100 new hires.
If they try to force me I'll find something else!!
Cities are dying some cause of remote work but aren't we tired of the govt controlling our lives (Biden's remark of all remote workers must go back..ha lmao). Umm the solution is to innovate cities and offer programs for remote workers to come live there for three to six to 12 months ..have a startup that owns buildings in all cities for remote workers to live in and congregate as well let's them jump from town to town every many months. City living Innovation not more govt control/lame ideas is what is needed to spur the economies of cities and their future prosperity.