This ignores just how skewed towards the rich stock ownership is. The liquidation of stocks owned by the middle class will not move the needles much. And the very rich don't need to liquidate their stocks to maintain their lifestyle.
or maybe public investable assets? Too much money chasing too small a pool of assets? There are also a lot of private assets that could be superior investments, but average folks do not have access to.
These people would leave turkey if possible, but they can't.
This is making turkey less western?
Wouldn't that have the opposite effect? The west is generally responsible for the brain drain in less successful countries. Throwing borders up will keep those people who share our views in those countries. It's a fair bet that those people will be the force for good change in their governments more likely within their country than outside it.
Could it be an example of a tragedy of the commons?
No one wants to drink water where someone shit but everyone would rather shit in the water than in a field somewhere far and away from the ability to clean oneself.
this is it right here ... what better way to get that baby-fresh feeling than just popping a squat in the river, where the current takes away your inanimate offspring downstream, and cleans your nether regions.
Humans are creatures of habit, and often, self interest (a clean arse) will win over benefits to others (see all politics ever, almost)
Say village A is upstream from village B. A poops in the water. How far downstream does B need to be for the water to be drinkable? Or is there no safe distance? If there is a safe distance, in theory, you could teach the villages in A to drink upstream and poop downstream. By the time the water gets to B, it's clean enough to drink?! Then teach B to poop upstream and drink downstream... You probably don't want to put me in charge of public health :P
Well, the so called public defecation usually happens in a) slums b) rural areas where they have not built toilets at home. In the rural areas, they just go out into the fields which offer some privacy. It is never in the "public" like a river etc.
The only caveat to that I'd add is that the numbers are probably a bit inflated, given they're being often being polled in countries where apostasy is punishable by death. I'd be a mite careful how I answered polls on religious beliefs in those places.