I wouldn't say trade all rationality, but trade some of it in some circumstances. This is especially valid in the hacker news community, where most likely we spend our time in the part of the mind that works with reason.
If you want to try seeing the other side and start marrying the two sides, you should try acting classes. Words, video, lack the dimension to explain to you how that feels on your body.
Unfortunately, HackerNews has had a significant influx of users over the last 18-24 months from other sites that shan't be named, and it has resulted in the same toxic behaviour/tribalism/feels-based-voting that exists on the site the same people discovered HN on.
I believe we're at the point where HN may need to reconsider the visibility of the voting system here, again unfortunately.
I don't want to take away from the results from the study. But it would be a great area to study the relationship between men and interaction with women, especially those displaying toxic femininity, in the context of fatherhood.
Don't know if anyone coined the term toxic femininity, but it should obviously be a field of study, just as toxic masculinity is.
If toxic masculinity is defined by exaggerated gender role behavior that is a negative for the individual and society, then toxic femininity should be defined in the exact same terms.
Female gender role is strongly associated with motherhood and personal appearance so toxic femininity could for example be exaggeration of those aspects. Two examples would be possessiveness of children and the abuse of plastic surgery.
The question is why people are using such gendered terms that so easily get perceived as derogatory if all we want is to a term to help discussions around exaggerated gender role behavior that causes negative effects. Personally I avoid using both and see those that do as pushing an agenda rather than addressing the core issue that we have gender roles and those have a negative impact on society.
You've probably seen it, there are certainly examples. Emotional manipulation of the husband, emotional manipulation of the child about the husband.
I mean there are a lot of things someone displaying this type of behaviour, can do to hurt the relationship between the father and the child, even if she is the mother of the child.
No, he's been flagged for suggesting someone study the effects of a thing which he immediately admits he's just made up. It's not even "we should see if there's a counterpart to toxic masulinity", it's "I think there's toxic feminity, so we should study its effects!"
You mean the effects of the negative manifestation of certain behaviours. So you are saying that my logical leap, that because there is "toxic masculinity" ( which is a gross simplification obviously) that a counterpart to that in the feminine side, is something I just made up.
I usually make statements drawing from observed behaviour and interactions. And I can't deny that if we look on a spectrum of behaviour, and on one side we have masculinity on the other we have femininity. If we go all the way to the left to the masculine side, there are behaviours there that are what the media says "toxic". But if we go on the otherside of the spectrum, to the extreme, and say that yeah, things are just rosy on the other side, we are doing a great disservice to the truth.
Let me provide you an alternative perspective worth considering. Depending on the seriousness of your condition, having adenoids can result in having problems breathing normally( aka through the nose). Now obviously breathing is very important for your organism, and it will find ways to adapt, and you will find yourself breathing through your mouth.
Breathing through the mouth will encourage the development of a long face, cus tongue is not in its natural position, at the top of the palate. Your posture will change since having the mouth open is not the default position of the body for long periods of time. You might find your neck lunging forward. And these are just second and third order effects for not being to breathe properly during early childhood.
Jaws might not develop properly, teeth as well. And that is all the effects I know about.
Yes, I've had both my adenoids and tonsils removed, in the end. Not early enough though.
My daughter couldn't breathe easily when she was young--when sleeping you could literally hear her breathing from a room or two away. Like having Darth Vader sleeping in the next room. After tonsil/adenoidectomy at about 3 years old she could finally breathe properly and her sleep become much better. It made a HUGE difference to her quality of life.
I had my tonsils removed when I was 19 because of sleep apnea. Even after reading this piece I'm reasonably confident, though not certain, that it was a net-positive.
Quit Facebook( which really means just access it 2mins per week on a Sunday, just because I'm on a few groups ). Close down Instafart.
Quit watching porn, after realising the health risks are not worth the benefits.
Quit buying sweets of any kind, especially sugary ones, for myself. I still buy chips for everyone when meeting with friends. I still eat sweets as long as they are made at home.
And yes, I have cheat days. So it's not perfect.
The benefits trickled down, phone usage went down etc. etc.
So I got into the habit of quitting, and seeing things for what they are.
It messes around with your brain. Which in turn messes around with your mood, which in turn can affect your interactions, relationships and the downspiral can go even deeper. I stopped here.
I guess there are a lot of prerequisites for things to go on a downward spiral ( start young, be an introvert, have thin skin ), cus some people never get here. But if you find yourself having terrible mood issues, mental fog etc. and have a consistent porn watching habit, don't exclude porn as a possible source.
Dopamine overload. Less intimacy when it comes to real sex. There is a generation of young men who can't ejaculate without the use of porn suffering from an early ED.
Please add lose yourself in your world of unrealistic fantasy. Watch porn, a lot of it. Allow yourself to get consumed by it. See people as objects. Then watch more porn.
Start gambling, with your money first, then with other peoples' money. You are entitled to that money even though it's theirs. Society owes you a lot already.
Even better, combine the two, do online strip poker. Do anything but face the often less colourful reality.
In a bank robbery, if you are driving the getaway car you are not techinically the cause of the robbery, but you sure as hell enabled the robber to get away clean.
I see why he wouldn't agree even with the least intrusive advertising place. Because it's just a slippery slope from there. That starting point can be used in conversations to leverage the 'advertising model' further, and we can end up with another facebook, easily.
So did he honestly believe FB would just continue to provide WhatsApp to the world for free, even ad-free, after spending $22bn? Doesn’t sound like it:
> Messrs. Koum and Acton also negotiated an unusual clause in their contracts that said if Facebook insisted on making any “additional monetization initiatives” such as advertising in the app, it could give the executives “good reason” to leave and cause an acceleration of stock awards that hadn’t vested…
If you want to try seeing the other side and start marrying the two sides, you should try acting classes. Words, video, lack the dimension to explain to you how that feels on your body.