[Firebase Dev Advocate] Glad you're enjoying Firebase! Attaching a listener to the "items" Firebase is disabled. This is because it would send every item from HN to your computer. You'll need to attach a listener to the individual item instead. The "permission denied" error is coming from the security rules on the HN Firebase (https://www.firebase.com/docs/security/quickstart.html). If you're trying to find out what the latest updates are, they're kept in the /updates node (https://github.com/HackerNews/API#changed-items-and-profiles).
[Firebase Dev Advocate]
@angersock - the "about" value you're seeing on the Firebase Dashboard isn't broken, it's just a truncated preview. The HN team is using email for issues, so you can send them any feedback at api@ycombinator.com.
[Firebase Dev Advocate]
@airlocksoftware - Yes, you should make separate requests for each story. You can attach a listener to the topstories node (https://www.firebase.com/docs/web/guide/retrieving-data.html...) and when that’s triggered, you can make a request for the data on each story. Using the Firebase SDK, each request will get made using the same connection. I'd recommend using our SDK instead of the REST API so you don't have to worry about managing your own connections and retries.
Here's an example showing all topstories and updating in realtime. Obviously, in JS, but the other Firebase SDKs are similar: http://jsfiddle.net/firebase/96voj1xh/
I'd rather use the REST API directly, for what I need is rather simple and not downloading, installing and maintaining an SDK is more appealing. (My app was developed a while ago and was doing HTML scraping, but the 30-second limit on HN killed it, because of testing -- I don't need to query more often than twice per minute, but while testing I ran the thing a little too often).
So, what are the limits on the REST API, and how do limits work? (A max number of requests per hour would be better than per minute for example).
To access the dataset you need to be logged in with a Google account. Details here: https://github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/ai-platform-text-clas...