Reminds me of that one Microsoft search site that was interactive with some lady at a desk, used to launch Bing or something. From 2008 I believe. it was http://ms (name of chick).com I remember.
Has been working great for years here, no bugs to speak of across 3 browsers and 3 OSes. Notifo notifications are amazing. UI is second to none. Flawless local/offline sync, so no downtime ever. Tagging system works great, and it's how I know what to do next all day.
My only gripes are
1) no mobile version (it works on my iPhone, but it's not the optimal experience to have to drag left and right. a dedicated app would be better imo)
2) there's no faqs/documentation/getting started guide/features/nada. No help desk if you're stuck or having problems. Despite all this, it has lots of users still apparently. Contacting the developer valentin shergin (yandex guy) is a shoot and miss. Development seems to have slowed down a lot, but there's some new features popping up here and there. Mostly active in Russian community.
Original story[1] by jsrfded (also creator of site) which didn't get enough traction.
I think it's particularly useful nowadays considering how slow and sluggish HN has been (at least for me). Plus there are some real gems that pop up every time you refresh.
As he says:
The other day I "ran out" of stuff to read on Hacker News. I had looked at everything that interested me, and had even checked out page 2 (I was getting desperate).
I realized that there were thousands of great HN threads that I hadn't seen because I hadn't been paying attention to the site when they were ranking.
So I pulled together a little db of the top 10,000 HN threads (loosely defined; a thread with >1 points, 1> comments, and some web link rank).
I put these into a random shuffle so that reload would give me 30 fresh threads that I (probably) hadn't seen before.
I'm pretty happy with this. Lets me scratch my HN itch when I've exhausted the main page, and it's often interesting to see the old material again.
Well, he was right. The Reddit frontpage and vast majority of the new users (new being under 2/1 years old accts) have turned it into a complete idiocracy. On the other hand, the niche and smaller subreddits about specific pursuits and topics are doing pretty decently. Hivemind think and other stupidity still leaks in, but it's not too bad. The problem is as subreddits grow, they turn to crap. Look at the problem with the starcraft subreddit or plethora of marijuana subreddits.
I particularly like the subreddits that aim for better signal/noise ratio from the get-go and the good folks that help police them. One particularly outstanding fellow is blackstar9000, mod, creator, and prolific poster/commenter of several nice niche subreddits who has helped keep things in line. If there's any one who deserves some kudos in that regard, I'd nominate him/her for the honor.