I switched back to Windows 10 at home. I was a linux user for many years, but because I have a full time IT job, I decided that fixing my linux issues became a huge pain in the ass.
I made a relatively large list of reasons. Most are going to sound fickle but I consider some to be very problematic if you’re woken up at 3am and have to orient yourself- others I consider problematic because they cause an order of magnitude increase in complexity.
Mostly it’s an issue of perception too, a cloud saves me time. If it doesn’t save me time it is not worth the premiums and for our case- it would not save time. (Due to the complexity mentioned before).
But here’s part of list (with project specific items redacted):
3am topics:
* Project name (impossible to see which project you're in, usually it's based on "account" but that gets messed up with SSO)
* instance/object names (`i-987348ff`, `eip-7338971`, `sub-87326`) are hard to understand meaning of.
* Terminated instances fill UI.
* Resources in other regions may as well not exist, they're invisible- sometimes only found after checking the bill for that month.
Time cost topics (stumbling things that make things slower):
* Placements only supported on certain instances
* EBS optimised only supported on certain instances
* Launch configurations (user_data) only 16KiB, life-cycling is hard also, user-data is a terrible name.
* 58% more objects and relationships (239 -> 378 LoC after terraform graph)
* networking model does not make best practice easy (Zonal based network, not regional)
* Committed use (vs sustained use) discounts means you have to run cost projections _anyway_ (W.R.T. cost planning on-prem vs cloud)
* no such thing as an unmanaged instance group (you need an ASG which can be provisioned exclusively with a user-data (launch script in real terms)
* managed to create a VPC where nothing could talk to anything. Even cloud experts couldn't figure it out, not very transparent or easy to debug.
Sticky topics (things that make you buy more AWS services or lock-in):
* Use Managed ES! -> AWS ES Kibana requires usage of separately billed cognito service if you want SAML SSO.