Given that protecting the source IP is not a goal (keyspace is far too small for that), why use something like MD5 when something like CityHash or MurmurHash3 would do?
We have a fast MD5 implementation available through ngx_lua so using it is easy. Using one of the hashes you propose would have meant creating an API to access one of them and adding them.
Yes. I read something about a library that had a sign up, "No government agents have been here." They would take down the sign during an investigation. Any one who knew the sign -was- there knew an investigation was underway. No gag order was broken. There is a name for this type of flag, but don't know it off hand.
Presumably the person dumping names and emails (PII/PID) on pastebin has little regard for gag orders. (And no motivation not to reveal such an order, if proof were readily available.)
How? They still have gobs of principal lying around making gains. Unless you mean it will help enable more progressive taxation and income redistribution via the federal government?
The last time I looked at upb, it only supported parsing, which was a deal-breaker. Have you implemented serializing since then? It's hard to tell from the git log, which is mostly "dump from google internal sources XX-YY-ZZZZ".
I'm very excited about upb! Thanks for your work on it over the years. Do you have any tasks that an outside contributor could help with?
Still no serialization, sorry. This is getting close to being my top priority though. It's a hard problem to design the kind of generic visitor I want while being speed-competitive with the fastest stuff that's out there.
Probably can't use a lot of outside help, but thanks for asking. What's taking so long is a very intense process of refining the design. I am often reminded of this bit from "Worse is Better":
"The right thing takes forever to design, but it is quite small at every point along the way."
This is exactly the approach I am taking. It's taken forever to design, but over time it becomes more and more capable without the core growing in size very much. I hope that this intensive design work will pay off soon.
Thanks for your interest and I hope to soon be able to reward it with a highly compelling parsing/serialization experience!
> The ports selection in FreeBSD is second to none. Linux has nothing close.
[citation needed].
If you mean Linux-just-the-kernel, sure? But that's not really comparable.
Every Linux distro has a collection of 3rd-party packages; neither FreeBSD's 3rd party package integration (ports) nor breadth of software is particularly exceptional in this space.
And FreeBSD doesn't seem to attract as many volunteers to keep its port collection up to date, or at least that has been my experience.
> Lots of imbedded projects are based on BSD and always will be. The insanity of GPL licensing.
Sure. I work on a BSD-derived embedded system at $DAYJOB. But the GPL doesn't prevent Linux use in lots of spaces.
Fedora tracks licenses on a package by package basis. You can fairly easily determine what the license of a library you use is, and recursively examine dependencies to see if there is something objectionable in there.
FreeBSD ships GPLv3 ports (gcc47, ...). So... it's not just smooth sailing there, either.
Lots. It tracks radius squared, if not cubed. As altitude gets large (which you need for orbit anyway), you can fit a ton of small satellites safely.