In France, in the 1980" there was a Unix clone written in Pascal by the CNET (the R&D of the incumbent phone operator). The CPU was a M68K and the hard disk had 20Mbytes (if I recall correctly). I don't remember the name of the beast.
They were incremental but they were incredibly accelerated and ambitious. From nobody ever been in space to landing on the Moon less in 10 years. It's mind boggling how fast they were, and how many projects were running in parallel that all had to work when integrated or no "landing on the moon before the decade is over".
Went straight to the comments instead of the article and was surprised to discover that:
"They’ll invite themselves to live in beaver dams and make for a vaguely tolerated roommate that helps patch up walls and stuff. They’re not as good at the big picture stuff as beavers."