| | Cuckoo filters and their analysis (11011110.livejournal.com) |
85 points by robinhouston on May 29, 2016 | past | 8 comments
| | Cuckoo filters and their analysis (11011110.livejournal.com) |
4 points by robinhouston on April 21, 2016 | past | 1 comment
| | Why Wikipedia's Math Formulas Are So Ugly (11011110.livejournal.com) |
1 point by thomasahle on Aug 5, 2015 | past
| | A glimpse of the four-dimensional bitruncated 120-cell, with magnets (11011110.livejournal.com) |
2 points by robinhouston on Jan 15, 2013 | past
| | Top ten algorithms preprints of 2012 (11011110.livejournal.com) |
70 points by turingbook on Jan 2, 2013 | past | 5 comments
| | Chaotic evaluation of Sudoku difficulty (11011110.livejournal.com) |
1 point by kevinalexbrown on Aug 8, 2012 | past
| | Binary numbers without the zeros (11011110.livejournal.com) |
1 point by robinhouston on April 18, 2012 | past
| | Fast Go game recognition (11011110.livejournal.com) |
2 points by ssp on March 24, 2012 | past
| | Fast algorithm for finding RSA keys with shared prime factors (11011110.livejournal.com) |
62 points by robinhouston on Feb 15, 2012 | past | 4 comments
| | Best algorithms preprints of 2011 (11011110.livejournal.com) |
49 points by llambda on Jan 1, 2012 | past
| | Reweighting a graph for faster shortest paths (11011110.livejournal.com) |
52 points by mc on Oct 18, 2011 | past | 5 comments
| | Elementary Graph Theory and Networks: The one-way street theorem (11011110.livejournal.com) |
36 points by ColinWright on Aug 26, 2011 | past | 2 comments
| | Chessboards and colorings (11011110.livejournal.com) |
1 point by ColinWright on July 7, 2011 | past
| | The sad case of Ike Antkare (11011110.livejournal.com) |
1 point by ot on Feb 22, 2011 | past
| | Top algorithms preprints of 2010 (11011110.livejournal.com) |
44 points by ssp on Jan 2, 2011 | past | 2 comments
| | Reweighting a graph for faster shortest paths (A*) (11011110.livejournal.com) |
10 points by fogus on Dec 28, 2009 | past