Are they naive and didn't have people try to break it in that situation first?
Or are the genius and put the guy right in front of a sharp corner?
The CEO seemed to be genuinely laughing. If I were HR at their company, I'd put this on the recruiting site. Shows what they do and a pleasant environment very quickly.
Great reaction by the company rep! Obviously, 'unbreakable' has its limits (i.e. if you run over it with a tank). I can image the 'hammer a nail with it' part though, unless you use the display for that.
To give the phone a little credit, it did take the reporter a few smacks before he got it right. Even though the phone obviously isn't "unbreakable", I doubt anyone could take their iPhone, dunk it in water and then smack it even once like that.
All "good" publicity for the phone and the company.
The company rep seemed to quite cool about it ,what i didn't understand though was why was the reporter apologising ? The company rep did say - the phone is unbreakable do what you can and the reporter just proved him wrong, so why apologise, he should have said - "well mate you are wrong , this phone is in fact breakable".
K. Obviously a lie when he said you could hammer it with a nail. Force/Area = Pressure. If the pressure from hitting the corner of a fish tank with normal arm strength can break it, then I am sure a hammer would drive a nail right through the phone.
I believe he said "you could hammer a nail with it" (00:20). So you're not hammering a nail into the phone, you're using the phone as a hammer to drive the nail into another surface.
It would probably still break if you used the screen as the hammer, but I guess he meant hammering a nail using the side of the phone (which is what you'd normally do anyways).