It's much more than that. "No one goes there any more; it's too crowded" implies that the place is so successful that tastemakers look elsewhere, while they're still in fact booked solid every single night. Klout, MySpace, and horsecarts are no longer used by any significant fraction of the population (if they ever were). Of the three, MySpace is actually the most relevant; it's found a modestly sizeable niche (bands). Klout's relevance is at best an order of magnitude smaller and probably much less than that. Horsecarts are still popular among the Amish, Mennonites, and similar sects but in most of the world are no longer used by anyone and have become totally irrelevant. Just like Klout. In neither case is there some sort of anti-popularity bias going on. They're just plain dead outside of a very tiny nostalgic fan base.