One of the most important issues raised by this article is that of enforcement. That the US Government is employed to enforce DRM is non trivial. Imagine you left a magnificent gold brick on your porch on the way out to work. You reason, it'd be illegal for anyone to move or take the brick without your permission, let alone enter your yard. You come home to find the brick gone and hold the US Government responsible. You tell the the Gov't, "When you leave a brick on your porch tomorrow, it better be there when you return home, or else (no campaign funds and you'll move you're $27 bank account off shore )."
The next day, there is a squad car and 4 cops sitting outside your gate. Not only that, the Gov't ensures you laws are being drafted to stiffen the penalty for anyone that might steal your brick or even enter your yard without permission, and Gov't prosecutors are standing by ready to prosecute with the threat of jail time (, but don't worry they'll pick up the legal and prison fees).
Without such Gov't activities you wouldn't be able to afford to continue leaving gold bricks on your porch.
The next day, there is a squad car and 4 cops sitting outside your gate. Not only that, the Gov't ensures you laws are being drafted to stiffen the penalty for anyone that might steal your brick or even enter your yard without permission, and Gov't prosecutors are standing by ready to prosecute with the threat of jail time (, but don't worry they'll pick up the legal and prison fees).
Without such Gov't activities you wouldn't be able to afford to continue leaving gold bricks on your porch.