Related (amazing) paper by Scott Aaronson: "NP-complete Problems and Physical Reality" ( He proposes "anthropic computing" as a way of solving NP-complete problems in polynomial time: guess an answer, then kill yourself if the answer is wrong.
I am worried that someone will actually try this sometime and it will turn out not to work, either because MWI is wrong or because the destruction of the universe was incomplete — for example, collapsing the false vacuum would merely change the state of the things in the universe, not destroy the universe per se.
Fortunately, we don't have any currently promising avenues for nucleating a true vacuum or anything like that, so this algorithm is purely theoretical.
I think the joke is that in all cases but the best-case, you won't be around to observe it, this becomes practical once you can create a universe for every permutation and destroy all but the universe which notifies you that it's the best-case.
In all good text books this is left as an exercise for the reader.
As Scott Aaronson points out, the easy solution to this is that you add a slight quantum chance that the algorithm will yield "Reject". As long as that chance is non-zero, but greatly smaller than the probability of any particular successful permutation, you will survive in the universe that says "Reject".
1. Apply a quantum permutation to your list.
2. Check if it's sorted.
3. If not, destroy the universe.