Would someone be kind to explain how the transpiler/compiler knows that
num of T1 generic(?) type can be used with the <= operator?
Or that something the user themselves have to define?
Wouldn't be something like "T1 where T1 is Numeric"?
This is how C++ templates work. They are a form of polymorphism through how you use the object and not based on its type.
If you pass a type that cannot be used with the <= operator it will error in compile time.
Being able to do this is part of why C++ templates are much more powerful than Java/C# generics and why they enable a different (and alternative) form of polymorphism to inheritance and explicit interfaces.
I see.
In e.g Swift, you'd have to define before hand that T1 could be used with <= while here I guess it adds in the method for "each" T1 that could be used with it.
I assume this just duplicates the method for each type at compile time instead of at runtime try to figure it out?
In C++ it just prints an error message and halts compilation if you try to use a type which doesn't support the semantics of the template function. It does not add functions which are not declared already.
Wouldn't be something like "T1 where T1 is Numeric"?