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Perpetual motion? (fraser.name)
41 points by RiderOfGiraffes on Feb 4, 2010 | hide | past | favorite | 47 comments

I'm not a physicist, but here's why I think the energy appears to be less at the top of the tower than at the bottom.

If you send energy up the tower as a light beam, gravitational redshift reduces the energy of each photon as it travels up out of the gravity well.

If you send energy up the tower as electron current in a wire, the electrons spread out from each other slightly as they go up, due to the lower value of the electric constant (epsilon sub zero) in lower gravity, which makes the voltage appear to be lower.

If you send energy up the tower by rotating a shaft, with a motor at the bottom driving a generator at the top, then the energy produced by the generator at the top will appear to be less than that put into the motor at the bottom, again due to the lower value of the electric constant in lower gravity.

In all three cases, if you send the energy back down the gravity well (in whatever form), it'll appear to increase back to its original value, so you can't make a perpetual motion machine this way. And of course I'm assuming perfect conversion efficiency, lack of friction, perfectly rigid materials, et cetera in all three cases.

Absolutely. Thanks to wave-particle duality, gravity affects particles such as photons. We're not used to thinking of photons losing energy as they fight gravity, but gravitational redshift, as mentioned by wwalker3, is quite real.

Thanks to mass-energy equivalence, your choices for visualizing this are many. Perhaps the two easiest are: Physically lifting the 1kg matter+antimatter to elevation h, which is equivalent to Gravitational redshifting of the 1kg-worth (converted to energy) of photons between ground level and elevation h

As an aside, if momentum is conserved, shouldn't each photon be paired and emitted in opposite directions? The author charitably attributes the inability for such a system to be energy neutral to "engineering problems," but I think it's pretty clear that there are also physical laws that make this impossible.

"The author charitably attributes the inability for such a system to be energy neutral to "engineering problems," but I think it's pretty clear that there are also physical laws that make this impossible."

Why not just use a electromagnetic system? Electons with mass down, and em-waves without mass up? Then it's not impossible, just very small forces and superconductors.

Failing that why not use quantum teleportation?

There are several ways to move a subatomic particle in a massless way, and then return it to having mass at a distance.

EDIT My point is to say that the specifics of the enginerring aren't the real question. The real question is "Why doesn't the essential CONCEPT work"?

Typically we don't consider epsilon naught to change as we move around in a gravitational field, we consider spacetime itself to change and leave the Maxwell equations unaltered. So that doesn't explain away the current in a wire or rotating shaft versions.

Really, the resolution of all of these problems is left to general relativity. Redshift is a consequence of gravitational time dilation, or the fact that if you bring a clock high up in the air and then down again, it will tick off more time than a clock you leave on the ground. If we consider each tick to be a spent pulse of energy, then it's pretty easy to see that the clock that went up and came back down spends more energy than the one on the ground.

Physically speaking, this would mean that if the shaft was, indeed, rigid, then it would actually be spinning at a lower rate if you went to the top and timed it with a stopwatch than it would be if you timed it at the bottom (your stopwatch is running "faster" higher up in a gravitational field, relative to the bottom). Similarly, the rate of electron arrival would be measured to be lower at the top than the bottom, etc.

NB: these rates I'm talking about are the locally measured rates, i.e. hz as measured at the spot with a properly functioning stopwatch. The shaft doesn't need to twist or anything for these rates to differ, in fact, our assumption is specifically that it does not twist.

So when the frequency-based energy is obtained at the top and converted to mass-based energy (which doesn't undergo redshift, but instead exchanges kinetic and potential energies), the "exchange rate" between the two is based on the local measurements of frequency, and we end up with less mass created at the top than we put in at the bottom.

Problem solved, as long as you trust the claim that any such energy transmission that doesn't suffer the kinetic energy penalty that normal projectiles suffer in a gravitational field has to be frequency based and suffer the time dilation effect. Briefly, energy is the time component of a four vector, so it has to be affected like this, no matter how you try to transmit it, but I'll leave that for another rant...

That's a good point -- to avoid confusing people, I should mention that my explanations above are sort of the mirror image of how most physicists would think about this situation. I was trying to be careful to say "appears to be" instead of "is" to leave this interpretive door open :)

As you say, the most common interpretation is that time itself slows down as you enter a gravity well, leaving all the physical constants the same (since their locally measured values will appear the same to you).

But if you look at things from an imaginary "absolute" viewpoint outside of spacetime, you could think of spacetime itself as a sort of fluid that's denser in regions of high gravity. Light travels more slowly in this denser fluid, and since epsilon zero is inversely proportional to the square of the speed of light, you could interpret it as being larger where gravity is higher.

I guess you can tell that fluid dynamics was always easier for me than differential geometry -- whenever I see a system of nonlinear partial differential equations (like general relativity), it's just easier for me to think of them this way.

Exactly. The trick is in realizing that gravity affects everything, including light, and not just physical objects as intuition might suggest. See also: The Museum of Unworkable Devices [ http://www.lhup.edu/~dsimanek/museum/unwork.htm ] for exercises.

Redshift, certainly, but there's also the issue of recoil. A photon goes out of the laser at one end and momentum in the laser system must be conserved. Although we're talking about impossible "perfect" devices, a laser must also necessarily create heat.

There is a basic flaw in this article that confuses 'perpetual motion' with 'over unity'.

The difference is subtle: A perpetual motion machine could in theory be constructed, and will continue to move as long as it's components don't wear out due to particle decay or some kind of impact. It simply means that a machine will continue to move.

The cleverest pseudo perpetual motion machines are very hard to debunk, some of the more intricate ones rob the earth of a little bit of momentum to function.

A 'real' perpetual motion machine (one without external energy input to overcome the inevitable engineering issues) has never been constructed but can't be entirely ruled out.

An 'over unity' machine produces more energy than goes in to it, and is an engineering impossibility.

For years I've had this up:


But sadly no takers :)

Well, that's too bad. I would happily pay 100'000 for a machine that "produces" energy. I mean, you build a few, connect them to the grid, sell the electricity and you've got you're money back in no time.

I'm not sure whether you're trying to be sarcastic or not.

I'm not, I mean seriously, if you make a machine that "produces" energy, you have to be the worlds biggest idiot to sell it for 10'000$. It's like selling a chicken that lays golden eggs, you just don't. You keep it and make profits.

Obviously GP is 100% dead serious ;)

I guess it costs energy to send that energy up the tower. Why wouldn't it?

This is my guess as well, although to really address his point you have to answer the question "why would it."

He seems to assume that energy doesn't have any mass. It does. "Converting" energy to mass is a misnomer--you're really just converting one form of energy to another, one of which may be stable enough last as "matter" but both of which obey the same laws of gravitation. Transferring the energy up the tower requires energy because the energy has (is) mass.

Note that the E=MC^2 equation is for rest-mass rather than total mass, while a mass in motion has something more like E^2=M^2*sqrt(C^4+V^4). In a different inertial frame of reference objects will appear to have different mass, although I forget if it's rest-mass or total mass. But the point is, in order to get up to the top of the tower, some of the rest-mass will have to be kinetic energy, which gets converted to potential energy as it climbs and back to kinetic energy as it falls.

If you try to beam the energy up as light, this manifests as a Doppler shift in the light frequency (I think this has been observed experimentally). If you send it up with electricity, I think you have gravitational drag on the electrons. In the case of a drive shaft whose axis is parallel with gravity... well, that one actually stumps me. I guess you'll have to work through the relativistic effects. It's probably something really subtle, like that the (slightly) different gravity at the different elevations slows time by different amounts, resulting in a different rate of rotation and therefore less energy out of the top than was put in at the bottom.

I think that's it. A recent discussion on reddit[1] mentioned that energy actually weighs something (because of e=mc^2), so the energy required to lift "1kg" of energy would be exactly equal to the amount of energy that dropping it would produce.

[1] http://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/awi5k/what_is_the...

A perpetual motion machine is pretty useless until someone hitches a harness to it. That would probably kill it before anything tricky.

If you had a way to transmit and store energy with no loss, you could just transmit it back and forth, and that would be perpetual motion.

I don't know of any indication that the motion of http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Voyager_1 will ever stop.

"Perpetual Motion" is a bit of a misnomer. The term should be "perpetual force".

If it were "perpetual motion", then everything would constantly be in relative perpetual motion until death of the universe. For example: despite me sitting motionless relative to my computer, I am moving relative to the moon, or the sun, or pretty much everything else in the universe.

Voyager 1 is passing through InterStellar Matter which would slow it down relative to the speed that the ISM is travelling.

The problem is: "Assume perfect efficiency."

I don't think so. In analysing designs for perpetual potion machines you're allowed to assume perfect efficiency, unless you can show it to be physically impossible. Here we only need to assume the conversion is sufficiently efficient. That's within the laws of thermodynamics, and the machine still works.

The problem lies elsewhere.

EDIT: In response to a down-vote, let me explain further.

By the laws of thermodynamics, even a perfectly efficient machine cannot result in a net production of energy. In the analysis of an engine the assumption of perfect efficiency is allowed, because really one is saying "assume sufficient efficiency that the production of energy will compensate."

In the case here we're assuming that we can convert mass to energy and vice versa and getting net production of energy. That shouldn't be able to happen, and the falw isn't in the assumption of perfect efficiency. The flaw is elsewhere, and the challenge is to find it.

I do know where it is, but it took me a long time to find it. I'm sure many people here will find it much more quickly than I did.

But the flaw is not in the assumption of perfect efficiency in the mass/energy conversion(s).

you're allowed to assume perfect efficiency, unless you can show it to be physically impossible

Even then, his specification is at too high a level of abstraction for us to prove that it's physically impossible. That seems unfair.

If the author wants people to ignore the abstractions that quickly prove something impossible, then he or she should provide enough detail to analyze it from a practical perspective.

So you're worried about the "perfect efficiency" and not concerned about the "convert the mass to energy" bit?

It's a thought experiment.

It's a thought experiment.

Fair enough. :)

I believe I have the answer.

There is no way to convert between energy and matter. Thinking that E=mc^2 is an "exchange rate" between energy and matter is a common misconception.

The meaning of E=mc^2 is not that you can exchange E amount of energy for mc^2 amount of mass. The meaning of E=mc^2 is that in every system, the total kinetic energy is equal to the the total mass times the speed of light squared.

The common belief is: When you cause nuclear fission in an atom, that very small mass gets converted into energy, and because the exchange ratio is c^2 (which is enormous), the lost mass turns into a huge amount of energy, which is the nuclear explosion.

This is wrong. The correct explanation is: Because of E=mc^2, we know that even in a small atom there is a huge amount of energy. That energy then gets converted using fission into a more useful form (the explosion.) The mass of the whole system stays constant through the whole process.

Well, no, that's not the answer. It's not important how the mass is transformed into energy, nor how much. He's just saying that if it's possible to transform x kg of something into y energy and back again (the second part being the real challenge), could I make a machine that "creates" energy?

He's just saying that if it's possible to transform x kg of something into y energy

It's not possible. That's what I'm saying. That's the wrong assumption.

From Wikipedia: "The total rest masses of the fission products (Mp) from a single reaction is less than the mass of the original fuel nucleus (M). The excess mass Δm = M – Mp is the invariant mass of the energy that is released as photons (gamma rays) and kinetic energy of the fission fragments, according to the mass-energy equivalence formula E = mc²."

So the energy released by the reaction would be Δmc², right?

It says "the total rest masses." This is talking about the rest mass, which is different than the relativistic mass. I believe that the relativistic mass is the one that actually matters.

To your question, I agree that the energy released would be Δmc², but there would be no conversion between mass and energy in the process. The total mass and the total kinetic energy would remain the same after the fission as they were before it.

Ah, so once the byproducts are again at rest with 0 kinetic energy, total mass of the system will be equal to total mass of the system before?

So the energy of the explosion comes purely from the atoms being at a lower energy state than they were as uranium? I suppose it makes sense if it takes a huge outlay of energy to form them, which stars could certainly source.

I should go watch some physics OCW...

"It violates the laws of thermodynamics." This dismissive statement allows one to know that the machine won't work -- regardless of its details. But it is an unsatisfactory answer because it doesn't tell you why it won't work. Essentially it is a statement of faith that somehow the universe won't allow it.

Essentially it is a statement of faith that somehow the universe won't allow it.

statement of faith

GTFO of my science.

I get the feeling that you have no idea how science works, or what he's saying.

He's not saying that the 3rd law is faith, he's saying that you take it on faith. A statement of faith is one that rests on no proof or evidence. Someone who has either wouldn't be giving a dickish answer like "um, 3rd law" or "GTFO", they'd be busy explaining.

The most important part of science is questioning and attempting to falsify current theories. He has a legitimate question, answer it or be quiet.

You know, I sympathize with your argument, but... seriously, the second law of thermodynamics? If there's anything that qualifies as the cornerstone of sanity in physics, it's that.

Of course it's illuminating to analyze the question and figure out where, exactly it's gone wrong, much like it's fun to puzzle out subtly flawed mathematical proofs that 0 = 1.

But in the end an argument that concludes with something equivalent to "therefore, causality is broken" or "therefore, time is meaningless" doesn't really warrant serious consideration unless it's backed by some very serious evidence.

Contrary to modestly popular belief, "faith" is not best defined as "choosing to act as if you believe something you actually know is not true". That's a fun definition to smear someone with, but is not useful in understanding very many real phenomena. Faith is much better defined as something like "acting on the truth of a statement that you can not (effectively) 100% prove"; note it does not preclude having a Bayesian probability of greater than 0, it is simply what you act on. When I sit in a chair, I can not 100% prove it will not collapse on me (after all, I have sat in chairs that collapsed on me and my Bayesian probability that a generic chair will support me can not be 100%), but I have faith that it will not; that is, I act as if it will not collapse.

When presented with a perpetual motion device, I can have faith that it will not work. Thanks to the Second Law of Thermodynamics, my Bayesian confidence in that belief is quite high, so it is not as if my faith is stepping out on a limb. But I have not proved that the perpetual motion machine won't work by actually examining it and finding the flaw, I simply have very-well-founded faith that such a flaw exists. Faith is a perfectly appropriate word here.

(I parenthesized "effectively" up there to avoid a massive and irrelevant discussion of exactly what 100% means, though it still pokes through. But is interesting to note that since reaching 100% confidence is very difficult, "faith" comes up in virtually every decision you make.)

I don't really disagree with any of that as such, but it doesn't really mesh with the common usage of the word "faith", especially on something as utterly fundamental as the Second Law of Thermodynamics. From a standpoint of Bayesian confidence, even a cursory understanding of physics would probably lead one to assign the Second Law a likelihood of one minus epsilon, where epsilon is taken to mean roughly "the likelihood that I'm crazy and hallucinating this whole thing".

As an aside, if you're going to be talking about Bayesian probability, you should know better than to call "100%" confidence just "very difficult"...

There's a couple of things I'm willing to assign 100% probability to, in particular something along the lines of "for some reasonably recognizable definition of 'exist', something I can reasonably call 'myself' exists", on the grounds that if I do not in fact exist there's no "my Bayesian probability" to be arguing about in the first place. (It's not quite tautological in the strictest sense, for reasons too long to get into here, but it certainly is close.) So I can't quite go to "impossible". You can't very far on 100%, though; "impossible" is a reasonable approximation.

Oh, and part of my point is that common usage is wrong, on the grounds that the "common usage" is incoherent, meaningless, and information-free. (I basically take it as axiomatic that the worth of the definition of a word can be measured along those axes; I'm generally a descriptive grammarian but that doesn't mean I have to throw all standards out.) Use something more like my definition and you get meaning again.

Assuming that you can break the laws of thermodynamics is like assuming you can divide by 0 when doing real number arithmetic. If you allow this you would end with a highly inconsistent system/world.

Yes. So in which step are the laws broken?

lol, it's called thermodynamics and if you didn't take it in college you can get a textbook pretty easily and check the math yourself. you can also do simple experiments at home to confirm the basic laws of thermodynamics. there is no "Science" that only men in important looking buildings wearing lab coats do. that's what distinguishes it from faith.

> lol, it's called thermodynamics

The point is that saying "Can't work because of X" is a cop-out to actually going through and proving where the loss of energy is. Thermodynamics just predicts that somewhere energy is lost from this system. Blindly saying "thermodynamics" and not critically thinking about how/where/why it applies is intellectually deficient. If people don't challenge assumptions, then progress is never made. Some day someone might be able to disprove thermodynamics in some really funky edge-case, but that knowledge will never be discovered if no one ever questions.

> Blindly saying "thermodynamics" and not critically thinking about how/where/why it applies is intellectually deficient.

Not necessarily. In some cases it's a more efficient use of time to place the burden of proof on the person challenging a widely held assumption. Especially if you're a physicist who regularly receives letters from cranks with no background experience claiming to have overthrown physics. If you analyzed all of them in detail you'd never have time to do any real work.

Should people challenge assumptions? Sure. Are you required to challenge every assumption at every conceivable opportunity? No, that's OCD behaviour.

Does my attitude stifle progress? I don't think so - if someone has a way around the second law they should be able to build a machine utilizing it, and empirical data beats thought experiments every time.

Incidentally, the second law as commonly phrased "entropy always increases" is only an approximation. Entropy can decrease at times with small probabilities as outlined by the Fluctuation Theorem.

> Should people challenge assumptions? Sure. Are you required to challenge every assumption at every conceivable opportunity? No, that's OCD behaviour.

Sorry that I was unclear. The parent post seemed to be implying that anyone that comes up with a perpetual motion thought experiment should just have the phrase "can't exist it would violate thermodynamics" tossed at it. I'm not advocating working out every thought experiment that anyone could come up with, but to workout none of them is just putting blind faith in the law of thermodynamics. And so far as I understand it, blind-faith is not supposed to be part of the scientific process.

the laws of physics all hang together. you can't just have some phenomenon violate the laws of thermodynamics and not have that imply the universe works in a completely different way. thought experiments can't disprove reality. you need empiricism and theory.

So Newton's 'Laws' were never proven to be wrong. They are still consistent in all cases, right? And every theory in physics has been completely and 100% proven through lab tests and empirical evidence.

> thought experiments can't disprove reality

Reality is what it is. If thermodynamics is wrong, it doesn't change reality. It just changes our understanding of reality. Don't be so melodramatic. Once a law/theory is dis-proven there isn't some deja-vu-the-matrix-is-changing-something moment.

At the very least, figuring out where the energy loss is in the system will teach others something, and possibly yourself as well. Thought experiments are where theories come from. Unless you think that theories spring into existence without thought.

{edit} Please don't say, "but I already know about thermodynamics, so there is nothing more for me to learn!" because you would be entirely missing the point.

"The law that entropy always increases holds, I think, the supreme position among the laws of Nature. If someone points out to you that your pet theory of the universe is in disagreement with Maxwell's equations — then so much the worse for Maxwell's equations. If it is found to be contradicted by observation — well, these experimentalists do bungle things sometimes. But if your theory is found to be against the second law of thermodynamics I can give you no hope; there is nothing for it but to collapse in deepest humiliation."

-- Sir Arthur Stanley Eddington

I suspect most physicists would sooner question their own sanity than question the Second Law, and with good reason.

if you think science can be wrong you're the one who misunderstands it. science can not be wrong. science also can not be right. science provides us with more or less consistent interpretations of sensory data. Newton was not proven wrong. his predictions were subsumed by a more general case.

likewise if we discover a physical phenomenon that violates our current understanding of thermodynamics we don't throw that understanding out. anything that succeeds it needs to explain all the data that it explained + the new stuff.

I think that we're bickering over semantics here. I'm not saying that we jettison 100% of something when it doesn't explain a new phenomenon. When I say 'thermodynamics is proven wrong,' I mean that we find a case where it doesn't apply. As it stands now, the thermodynamics 'says' that it applies to everything. So when we find an exception it is 'wrong.'

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