The EFI variables are just that. Variables not an entire firmware. I think this is where you confusion is. What is happening here is that these variables are presented to the user as a filesystem under /sys. If you run 'rm -rf /' (or even 'rm -rf /sys'), you will start "deleting" these variables (which I assume either sets them to a null-equivalent value, or somehow removes them entirely from wherever they are stored). It sounds like:
rm /sys/efivar/MyVariable
is roughly equivalent to:
var obj = {MyVariable: 1};
obj.MyVariable = null;
var obj = {MyVariable: 1};
delete obj.MyVariable;
This bricks the firmware, because some of these variables end up being required. It's on the firmware maker / motherboard manufacturer to make sure that there is a way to recover from this rather than having the firmware fail to startup because some variables are missing.
My understanding is that firmware made to spec would not brick over the the EFI variables getting wiped. The motherboards that are encountering these issues are running firmware that is cutting corners. Unfortunately cutting corners and ignore specs is nothing new for hardware manufacturers who are more concerned with the manufacture of the physical devices and usually put only the minimum amount of effort into getting any sort of software components (firmware, OS device drivers, etc) running.
Why is it the OS's fault if the firmware can't reset itself to factory defaults? You're not modifying the firmware image, you're modifying a scratch area exposed by the firmware for the express purpose of the OS (ab)using it in any way it deems necessary.
Again, this is the OS's fault.