In your opinion, assuming you have full control over the server, which is easier to deploy and maintain (server-wise, sure as making sure everything is set up properly and running smoothly): Ruby apps (e.g., merb, ramaze, rails) or Python apps (e.g., Djano, Pylons, TurboGears)?
From what I can gather, Python apps seem easier to deploy and maintain: usually you run a static server up front (such as nginx) and proxy it to Apache running either mod_python or mod_wsgi, or even use Apache by itself. It looks like Ruby apps usually use nginx in the front and proxy their app to a bunch of Mongrels running in the backend.
I've played around with both languages and have no objections to using either one, but I'd like to know if anyone has experience in deploying a web app in either language and how it went? Or even which setup uses more memory?
Thanks for any help.
How? Through the magic of capistrano:
I've never seen anything else even come close to this level of simplicity.
Seriously, that should be the LAST of your criteria as to which language, and more importantly, framework to pick. We went with Rails since it has better plugins/gems than Django. We don't want to waste our time re-implementing basics and Rails currently has the cutting edge libraries for web work... stuff that you will have to do yourself in other frameworks.