Mr. Cox generally speaking has his act together on regular expressions - he's more or less joined the very small number of real experts on the topic. I especially admire his courage in promoting a regular expression engine that disregards popular features not found in true regular languages, such as backreferences.
That sed, some pedantic gripes:
1. It is not true (or is at least confusingly stated) that searches are linear (per the project page) in space and time in the lengths of the regular expression and the length of the target string. The simpler and more accurate statement is that searches are (worst case) linear time-wise in the product of the length of regexp and the search string, and O(1) for space.
2. Credit where credit is due: the caching-DFA technique was first widely popularized in old editions of the so-called Dragon Book (Aho, Sethi, and Ullman's "Compilers: Principles, Techniques, and Tools." My copy was published in 1985. In personal correspondence with some old Bell Labs guys, I'm informed that someone (Thompson, as I recall) puzzled out the technique in the 1970s or perhaps the very early 1980s - but set it aside as being too hairy for their needs at the time. Cox should ask Pike to correct my memory on that. The technique has been practiced in a number of matchers since that time. In fact, an O(1) memory DFA caching implementation has been available for more than a decade as free software although its author (uh, me) hastens to add that he has little doubt that Mr. Cox has an implementation with novel charms that was well worth doing. My implementation got too hairy in some ways.
3. Perhaps it will change over time but in this release, at least per the documentation, when the cache of DFA states is filled, the entire cache is discarded. This nearly needlessly limits the range of applicability of the matcher. An incremental approach to cache clearing using a (perhaps weighted) LRU strategy would expand the reach of this implementation at relatively little cost. This is not to say that Mr. Cox made a bad decision taking the simpler approach first (mumble mumble premature optimization mumble evil mumble mumble just constant factors something something something the dark side).
4. His inner loop looks like it uses way more instructions than are reasonably called for although, to be sure, to be certain of that I'd have to know what requirements he's constrained to satisfy. When running out of the DFA cache, my implementation could (at least when last measured) get by on something like 12 or 20 instructions per character in the string being searched. Perhaps I'm mis-reading the code but this thing looks like it has much higher "constant factors".
To be clear: I'm a fan of Mr. Cox's series of articles (written over several years!) about regexps. I like his general approach so much that I would wish I'd tried it first (except that I did, just wrong place, wrong time). I think the topic is sufficiently cool that I mention the above pedantic points mainly for the benefit of third parties, to give them some additional entry points to learn about it. Not trying to damn Mr. Cox at all, yadda yadda. On the contrary, he seems to have arrived in the weird little regular expression engine zone. Nice calling card.
Thanks for the comments. I can't tell from your user name who you are and what free software package you're referring to: can you post a link? I'm always interested to read a regular expression implementation.
1. Fair enough, changed linear in X and Y to linear in X and linear in Y.
2. I wasn't trying to highlight the caching so much as the flushing. The Dragon book algorithm does not cache. It generates the entire DFA ahead of time. This may be appropriate in a lexer but not in a grep. Ken Thompson's Plan 9 grep, which I do link to, does the same caching, as does the tiny DFA in regexp1.html, but neither can flush. Being able to flush the cache is the big deal, because it lets you bound the memory usage. I changed the heading from "Use the DFA as a cache" to "Be able to flush the DFA cache". More generally, I try pretty hard to give credit where credit is due, both in this article and in the previous two. This is well trodden ground, and I don't think any algorithm in RE2 is original, though many are unfairly ignored. If you know of other specific citations that are missing, please let me know. I'm especially not trying to steal any thunder from Ken.
3. The entire cache is flushed and then rebuilt as needed. I'd be surprised to see an fast implementation that can flush individual cache entries. The cache is storing a very cross-linked graph. If you wanted to flush an individual state, you'd have to keep all the backpointers for the arrows in the graph so that you could invalidate them when flushing that state. It is far easier (and I bet simpler and more efficient) to flush the whole graph and start again. But hey, it's open source. Try it and see.
4. The inner loop is many many lines of code but the common path through it is a small number of instructions, due to a bunch of big if statements that rarely run. I think you'll find that it's not too far away from 12 or 20 instructions per byte (not character).
Hi, rsc. I'm Thomas Lord. Also, I got something wrong in my pedantry there, which is the absolute worst place to get this kind of thing wrong: it's not O(1) space - it's O(length-of-regexp), no?
Going through the points:
1. Ok. I think you can also say, overall, linear in X times Y.
2. The 1985 Dragon edition has, in the second to last paragraph of section 3.7, these remarks: "A third approach is to use a DFA, but avoid constructing all of the transition table by using a technique called 'lazy transition evaluation'. Here, transitions are computed at run time but a transition from a given state on a given character is not determined until it is actually needed. The computed transitions are stored in a cache. Each time a transition is about to be made the cache is consulted. If the transition is not there, it is computed and stored in the cache. If the cache becomes full, we can erase some previously computed transition to make room for the new transition."
There's nothin' new under the sun, kid ;-)
(And that paragraph cost me a few years of part time hacking :-)
Oh, and, I don't think you're "stealing" anything from anyone, let alone thunder. Just that it's well known.
It's not currently separately distributed and, like I said, the code is a bit embarrassingly hairy and messed up -- but if you grab the source of GNU Arch and look deep in the tree under the "hackerlab" library you'll find Rx which has a (fairly old, prbly now slightly bitrotted) implementation of a caching DFA. Atop that -- oh you asked for references -- is Henry Spencer's algorithm for full Posix matching (backreferences, etc.) which I recall that he dubbed "recursive decomposition". The implementation in Rx is haired up because I wanted both tightly controllable DFA caching and the ability to match against strings that weren't contiguous in memory -- and then it's haired up more after than when I bolted on some Unicode support for UTF-8 and UTF-16; I've no cite for you for the Spencer thing -- personal correspondence.
I've also no cite for you for the other interesting one to look at which (last I knew) is the current regexp implementation in GNU libc from damnit-i'm-lame-but-the-guy's-name-escapes-me. He did an interesting twist on how to handle the non-regular Posix regexp features and made the (to my knowledge) first new thing since the naive backtracking versions and since Spencer's recursive decomposition.
With the addition of you, btw, I think there are maybe about 5 or 10 of us in the world who know or care about any of this stuff at the nitty-gritty implementation level, btw.
3. In Rx, looking at the code (haven't touched for several years), it appears that when flushing a DFA state I did it in two stages. First, I just brute-force away the incoming transitions and mark them as "warning, that state is going to go away." If one of those transitions is then taken before the state actually goes away it gets points to keep that state alive in the cache. Otherwise, the state eventually gets flushed. Off the top of my head I'm not able to prove that this wins over the naive full flush you've got. I am sure the naive full flush is simpler to code in a confident way - the Rx code is more hairy than I'd like. I'm "pretty sure" you can get better performance on a wider range of cases with something more like the approach I took in Rx. It's been a long time since I've handled the code and benchmarked stuff, though so, please, accept this fine grain of salt along with those opinions.
4. I'll take your word for that. Back before unicode support when I was most intensely optimizing Rx I spent a decent amount of time looking at the assembly code generated by the compiler and shaving instructions here and there. Incredibly f'ed up hobby, that :-)
Those points aside, more shop talk:
Back in yonder day when I was active on that project one of my fantasies (hence all the stuff about tunable memory usage, non-contiguous strings, etc.) was to make a dfa engine (not the posix regexp engine, just the dfa bit) that would rock Cisco's world so much that they'd just have to throw money at me. Heh.
The other thing is more interesting and useful, though: More recently I did some crazy-strange work in a backwater of the "bioinformatics" world. The problem took weeks or months to extract from the biologists but boiled down to: "Here are a few million regexps, all of which are of the form [big hairy regular expression]. Here is the reference sequence for the human genome (all 3bln base pairs or their approximations, a bit over 2 bits per base pair). Go find a way to make a list of all the matches, indexed by which regexp matches what part, as quickly and cheaply as possible."
Rx was useless for this, of course.
The stuff I learned building Rx was the opposite of useless. I'll bet (low stakes) that sometime down the road you'll have a similar experience.
> 4. His inner loop looks like it uses way more instructions than are reasonably called for although, to be sure, to be certain of that I'd have to know what requirements he's constrained to satisfy. When running out of the DFA cache, my implementation could (at least when last measured) get by on something like 12 or 20 instructions per character in the string being searched.
With SSE 4.2's text-processing instructions, regex matching could become essentially hardware-accelerated.
That sed, some pedantic gripes:
1. It is not true (or is at least confusingly stated) that searches are linear (per the project page) in space and time in the lengths of the regular expression and the length of the target string. The simpler and more accurate statement is that searches are (worst case) linear time-wise in the product of the length of regexp and the search string, and O(1) for space.
2. Credit where credit is due: the caching-DFA technique was first widely popularized in old editions of the so-called Dragon Book (Aho, Sethi, and Ullman's "Compilers: Principles, Techniques, and Tools." My copy was published in 1985. In personal correspondence with some old Bell Labs guys, I'm informed that someone (Thompson, as I recall) puzzled out the technique in the 1970s or perhaps the very early 1980s - but set it aside as being too hairy for their needs at the time. Cox should ask Pike to correct my memory on that. The technique has been practiced in a number of matchers since that time. In fact, an O(1) memory DFA caching implementation has been available for more than a decade as free software although its author (uh, me) hastens to add that he has little doubt that Mr. Cox has an implementation with novel charms that was well worth doing. My implementation got too hairy in some ways.
3. Perhaps it will change over time but in this release, at least per the documentation, when the cache of DFA states is filled, the entire cache is discarded. This nearly needlessly limits the range of applicability of the matcher. An incremental approach to cache clearing using a (perhaps weighted) LRU strategy would expand the reach of this implementation at relatively little cost. This is not to say that Mr. Cox made a bad decision taking the simpler approach first (mumble mumble premature optimization mumble evil mumble mumble just constant factors something something something the dark side).
4. His inner loop looks like it uses way more instructions than are reasonably called for although, to be sure, to be certain of that I'd have to know what requirements he's constrained to satisfy. When running out of the DFA cache, my implementation could (at least when last measured) get by on something like 12 or 20 instructions per character in the string being searched. Perhaps I'm mis-reading the code but this thing looks like it has much higher "constant factors".
To be clear: I'm a fan of Mr. Cox's series of articles (written over several years!) about regexps. I like his general approach so much that I would wish I'd tried it first (except that I did, just wrong place, wrong time). I think the topic is sufficiently cool that I mention the above pedantic points mainly for the benefit of third parties, to give them some additional entry points to learn about it. Not trying to damn Mr. Cox at all, yadda yadda. On the contrary, he seems to have arrived in the weird little regular expression engine zone. Nice calling card.