Ever since one of maxklein's posts came into Google Reader and promptly disappeared, I've been looking over his stuff with an eye of uncertainty.
This particular posting mentioned the author randomly meeting someone by a river (who's outlook changed the author's life). The post finished along the lines of "that day at the beach"...
I'm sure the sentiments are all still valid, but hard to swallow with those sorts of discrepancies.
It didn't disappear - half of my posts are private and can be viewed by anyone who has the URL. I send them to people who send me emails or on twitter - sometimes they are a bit private for me to put out there and have people discussing them and so on.
After rereading it, I did not want to publicize it. It's not a conspiracy, it's just my decision that every public facing article should be something consistent and relevant. Articles that I get to dislike after a while I make them private.
This particular posting mentioned the author randomly meeting someone by a river (who's outlook changed the author's life). The post finished along the lines of "that day at the beach"...
I'm sure the sentiments are all still valid, but hard to swallow with those sorts of discrepancies.