What does "replace" have to do with it? Why do you invent the most illogical option possible - that I never uttered - to find a counter argument?
Assuming that they ship another language in addition to Javascript would not be completely out of the question. While it seems that with WebAssembly that is no longer necessary, who knows what Mozilla, in search of future funding, may come up with to open new markets. They also tried creating their own OS for mobile - shipping Rust to further its adoption for whatever to me at the moment inconceivable reason is no less improbable.
So yes, I wasn't sure what to expect from the headline - it said they are "shipping Rust" after all, so something crazy was certainly within realm of possibility.
> While it seems that with WebAssembly that is no longer necessary
I believe they have mentioned that a WebAssembly target for Rust compilation is something they are working towards, and IMO that would be the ideal way to deploy Rust for a website (if it's a compiled language, there's no need to deliver it uncompiled).