Not in the same league as the mp4 parser shipping to all Firefox users, but GeckoDriver [1], a Mozilla-authored standalone binary for interacting with Firefox via the WebDriver protocol (e.g. using Selenium) is also written in Rust and shipping, possibly to as many as hundreds of users ;)
Overall the experience of using Rust for that project has been pretty great; the original requirements for a language were "able to produce static executables with no external runtime requirement, not prone to C-style memory safety issues, and accessible to a team with mostly Python backgrounds". That leaves quite a few options — Go for example — but being a Mozilla project taking the opportunity to use Rust seemed like it would align better with initiatives like those discussed in the article.
Apart from the general niceness of Rust-the-langauge, the experience of the Rust ecosystem has been really nice. Not only were there easy-to-install, well documented, packages to do much of the heavy lifting (http server, command line argument handling, etc.), it was also quite straightforward to set up travis builds using cargo to compile releases for linux64+musl osx and cross-compile releases for linux-arm7hf (added because someone asked about running on raspberry pi and it turned out to be trivial) and win64. The only wrinkle so far has been the difficulty of cross compiling to win32, meaning we might actually need to set up Appveyor or similar.
Obviously this is a much smaller project than the original post in terms of the number of users, and rather different as it is much higher level and could comfortably be written in Python or similar, except for the distribution requirements. However I think the use of Rust has been an unmitigated success, and I would be tempted to use it for a lot more projects that I would never consider writing in C/C++.
I don't think I have any specific resources to recommend, sorry.
I wrote most of the initial implementation of geckodriver and mostly learnt Rust from reading the official book, writing some small patches for Servo, and working on this project (of course); pretty much the same advice you would get coming from any other language.
I just chatted with one of the other major contributors to the project who said that he was able to learn on the job by reading the existing code, looking up concepts in the book or via web searches, and asking questions when necessary; although some parts of Rust undoubtedly have a significant learning curve it is empirically possible to contribute to an existing project without a significant amount of upfront study. This arguably isn't too different from learning most languages, although you are going to need to read up on the rules around e.g. references and borrowing sooner than you would need to look something up if you took the same approach to writing your first Python.
The type system and borrow checker mean that the compiler will tell you if you're doing something wrong which is both a blessing and a curse; it can be dispiriting to get dozens of compile errors when you are getting started, but once you have satisfied the compiler it's possible to be more confident that your code won't break in ways that are relatively common in Python (e.g. missing or broken code for error handling).
So I'm not sure that I answered your question, but in practice it didn't seem to be a major problem. Of course in a different environment — one where people were less enthusiastic about learning a technology their colleagues were raving about, for example — you might have a different experience.
Not OP, but first few chapters of seem much less steep than The Book (to me). Would also appreciate other guides... (coming from C / Java / PHP / Python myself)
I've noticed people coming from high level languages tend to struggle a bit with the borrow checker, did you guys experience this? How did you deal with it?
Yes, the borrow checker is undoubtedly one part of Rust that's unfamiliar, especially if your background is mostly in GCd langugaes where you can treat ownership and lifecycle concerns with impunity. So there is a learning curve which, when you get your code to pass all the compilation phases only for borrowchk to point out that your design is fundamentally unsound, can feel like a learning wall ;)
But at the end of the day the borrow checker is enforcing a relatively simple set of rules that you can learn and, with experience, intuit. So after a while the number of mistakes you make goes down, along with their severity. And there is payoff too in the ability to do things that would be impossible in Python and challenging in C e.g. write a copy-avoiding parser in performance critical code (not something too relevant to geckodriver, but useful for a so-far-prototype project to replace the log parsing on Mozilla's CI system — used to extract the reasons a job failed, and responsible for about 80% of the CPU time on that server — with a Rust alternative).
Overall the experience of using Rust for that project has been pretty great; the original requirements for a language were "able to produce static executables with no external runtime requirement, not prone to C-style memory safety issues, and accessible to a team with mostly Python backgrounds". That leaves quite a few options — Go for example — but being a Mozilla project taking the opportunity to use Rust seemed like it would align better with initiatives like those discussed in the article.
Apart from the general niceness of Rust-the-langauge, the experience of the Rust ecosystem has been really nice. Not only were there easy-to-install, well documented, packages to do much of the heavy lifting (http server, command line argument handling, etc.), it was also quite straightforward to set up travis builds using cargo to compile releases for linux64+musl osx and cross-compile releases for linux-arm7hf (added because someone asked about running on raspberry pi and it turned out to be trivial) and win64. The only wrinkle so far has been the difficulty of cross compiling to win32, meaning we might actually need to set up Appveyor or similar.
Obviously this is a much smaller project than the original post in terms of the number of users, and rather different as it is much higher level and could comfortably be written in Python or similar, except for the distribution requirements. However I think the use of Rust has been an unmitigated success, and I would be tempted to use it for a lot more projects that I would never consider writing in C/C++.