Google isn't known for any quality of it's software. Google is known for their search engine. Yes, people on this site might tout the glories of Chrome, but to the average user, all they see is a search engine and email when they are on the web, and a slew of mobile devices that still aren't as clean and polished as the iPhone.
Very true. And yet we still have so many feature rich yet experience poor devices, programs, and services out there. It's almost as if most people don't get the idea of quality over quantity...
One reason why Android is beginning to scare Apple is because the cell-phone carriers that aren't AT&T are marketing their Android-based phones against the iPhone with the good-old feature checklist. The iPhone gets one check "can receive phone calls", while the Android phone gets checks for things like "can play Pandora streams while you browse the web" or whatever.
If Android is starting to scare Apple is because Google is doing ad revenue shares with carriers and device makers.
As for your example, first, it's requires too much qualification to really work on a feature matrix. Second, you really think that Apple can't/won't support app backgrounding or a more open app store if their current offering really starts hurting them?