Strangely (or maybe horribly?) there are a number of studies of children raised in Romanian orphanages that somewhat cover this area.
Under Nicolae Ceaușescu the government outlawed abortion (with some exceptions) in an attempt to increase the birth rate ( Coupled with a poor economy this lead to masses of infants and children being given over to government "care" in orphanages. These were pretty bleak places for infants and children, with infants often spending hours in a crib with little stimulation.
Strangely (or maybe horribly?) there are a number of studies of children raised in Romanian orphanages that somewhat cover this area.
Under Nicolae Ceaușescu the government outlawed abortion (with some exceptions) in an attempt to increase the birth rate ( Coupled with a poor economy this lead to masses of infants and children being given over to government "care" in orphanages. These were pretty bleak places for infants and children, with infants often spending hours in a crib with little stimulation.
Here's a really good article about the effects this sort of institutional "care" has on children:
Here's the The Bucharest Early Intervention Project (tons of info about this subject area):