TL;DR: Built a simple web app product, can't get it off the ground. Help!
To give context to this question, allow me to explain my situation.
I have been working as a freelance developer for a few years now and at times the work load gets a little difficult to handle.
That's when I hop on to websites like and upwork to find a few other freelancers to help me out.
The results have been really bad, bad quality developers at extreme rates cause they have have paid accounts.
Somehow, on multiple occasions I've managed to find skilled and in-budget developers on craigslist.
I presume this is because of craigslist's dead simple methodology and lack of rating systems or paid accounts.
Taking this into consideration, I built a little web app called ( still in beta.. or alpha-ish) thats follows the craigslist philosophy but focuses on freelancers.
Now the current situation is that I'm not able to get off the ground!
I'm good at building products with a team but have no experience with branding or promotions.
The projects I work on as a freelancer usually have an active audience or a good brand value hence, I have no idea about launching this off the ground.
What do you think should be the next step ?
While you're at it, please leave a feedback too :)
Thank you!
First, your business has to solve a very intense chicken or the egg problem. Quality freelancers will not join until there are good projects. And you won't get good projects until you have quality freelancers. In freelancing, the problem is even more difficult to solve as both sides of the exchange require quite a large investment in time. Listing yourself as a freelancer (and building a high quality listing) takes work. And listing a project also takes work. This is an obscenely difficult problem to solve and networking alone will not get you there.
Second, you decided to enter a market with a ton of competition. Your competitors range from the simple but effective (Craiglist) to the complicated but mostly useless. People who list projects are wise to the game - they know that most sites deliver shit. And freelancers are also wise. Whenever I've joined a freelancer website, I've been inundated with 'offers' to do 200 hours of work for $500 USD. How do you provide better value to both sides of the market?
Third, your website is quite bad. If I just navigated there by chance, I'd have no idea what I was even looking at. Much less would I have any idea what to actually do. Your language and choice of words betray a serious lack of professionalism. Work on your copy a touch and maybe find someone to read it over - preferably someone who will tell you the unvarnished truth.
"Due to some amount of trolling on the site, filters to be implemented and the site will be cleaned up within the next 24 hours."
That's not only a grammatical nightmare, but you're coming right out and telling people not to trust you!
Or, consider "no bullshit listings for freelancers." At best, that's an extremely unprofessional attempt to sound edgy and hip.
Good luck with this!! You seem like a good person and I'd love to see you fix this (badly broken) business.