Purchasing minFraud or creating device ID numbers? If you're on a RDP or VM who cares? The trail will lead back to nowhere.
You want to create a history, a trail, so to speak with browser/device, IP, and card usage. MaxMind's device ID tracking is similar to what Radar is offering. You've used your card before on a MaxMind protected website with device ID creating LSOs. Now they have you fingerprinted and they can tell if you suddenly start making purchases from an unusual PC/IP. It helps you as a legitimate cardholder at the expense of your privacy.
Stripe uses IESnare when you sign up to determine if you have any sketchy internet history or are a previously banned user. It's a similar strategy, pose as a legitimate user for a week by browsing the internet normally and search for payment processors to "compare" online. Then sign up after you've created history on the device and IP.
That leaves a trail.