One also has to keep in mind that we try to approximate or explain reality. I currently do a lot of maths and we can prove theorems from our axioms. Something is a certain way and not the other, here is my proof! End of discussion.
Economics doesn't have axioms and therefore no provable proof. If somebody has a good idea and data to support it it's an good argument, but it doesn't mean it will repeat or even that we now have solved the problem. If somebody has a better idea backed by better (or even the same!) data he also has a good argument and we now have a bad time with no best argument, but 2 conflicting.
Economics doesn't have axioms and therefore no provable proof. If somebody has a good idea and data to support it it's an good argument, but it doesn't mean it will repeat or even that we now have solved the problem. If somebody has a better idea backed by better (or even the same!) data he also has a good argument and we now have a bad time with no best argument, but 2 conflicting.