If thats what you do professionaly then use it. I use mostly zsh, IntelliJ, Emacs and a browser. My work is 90% terminal/editor/browser.
Used to do audio back in the day, linux was crap, even windows today is crap (I have to use crazy drivers to be able to play guitar without lag, using asio4all. if I were a pro I wouldnt compile the kernel on linux to support preemption or whatever alsa requires these days, would go to macs).
Also know a few people who did a phd and do alot of research, they say papers is the best app ever. Wouldn't recommend anything other than a mac for them.
Well, i also use vim/zsh/intellij as well as all the apps i listed above. Intellij on its own isn't good enough if i can't manage my tasks/calendar/research/notes... Hence I am curious how you do that?
Personally, I stopped trying to find an app to do all of that. I put my notes in gmail drafts and try to keep them at a minimum, put my appoints in google calendar, and use short-lived bookmarks. For projects, I put tasks in the README so I'm always updating it.
I painfully found out some time ago that I don't need much more than that - I try not to have lots of reminders/todos/etc. I don't do research or photo editing, or much more than coding anyway.
Used to do audio back in the day, linux was crap, even windows today is crap (I have to use crazy drivers to be able to play guitar without lag, using asio4all. if I were a pro I wouldnt compile the kernel on linux to support preemption or whatever alsa requires these days, would go to macs).
Also know a few people who did a phd and do alot of research, they say papers is the best app ever. Wouldn't recommend anything other than a mac for them.