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I'd hope that companies like Nike are struggling in a society like this and that much like the music industry we cut out the middleman and have the designers selling directly to consumers, but that's besides the point.

We turn into a bunch of artisans and crafters, your neighbor is a fashion designer. I'm curious as to what you do in this scenario?

If most people truly don't know where Bangledesh is, then one positive side effect fore free time could be more education. :)

Maybe I'm also a designer that just invented a new shade of purple? I don't know what I would do, but I can tell you that when I was born there were no BI specialists, SEO consultants, penetration testers and home automation experts.

One of the privileges of living in the west is that as harsh as it may sound we don't live to feed or clothe ourselves like people in many other parts of the world do, sure if you lose your job you can't pay rent, but you have considerably better means of adaption.

And hey if automation is such a threat to the skilled and educated labor force that all of a sudden all these highly paid developers are out of a job we might get more and better teachers.

As for the Nike thing, we might cut out the middleman but honestly more likely they'll evolve to be a service provider so your local shoe store will have a specialized 3D printer developed by Nike or Asics.

You'll still need people to develop the tools, you still need people to do research into new materials and production techniques, you still need advertisers and managers, a lot of hard and soft skills jobs aren't going anywhere they just are moved to a different place in the supply chain.

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